SA WhatsApp call

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~So here, the SA characters are all introduced to WhatsApp and create a funny incident~

Abeke: *Opens a call and waits for the others*

Abeke: Hello?


Abeke: I'm just gonna play with the Memojis for now

One Year Later...

Conor: *Joins* Sorry I'm late!

Abeke: You can say that again -_-

Rollan and Meilin: *join* what is this? 

Meilin: *gasps* what happened to you Abeke? Who turned you into a giraffe? And your head is so big! And your's purple!!!

Abeke: Memojis.

Meilin: Oh, oh, I see.


Meilin: What are Memojis?

~One hour later~

Meilin: *Puts on a poop Memoji* Haha!

Rollan: Can someone tell me what's happening?

Conor: IDK

Meilin: SHUT UP ROLLAN OR I WILL MAKE MY FACE A WALRUS *completely leaves out the fact that there are no walrus Memojis*

Rollan: :| zipped, your highness -_-

Abeke: Aww

Conor: *hangs up*

Abeke, Rollan, and Meilin: *blink*

Meilin: Ok Abeke so why did you invite us to this call?

Abeke: Well...

Rollan: You wanted to see Conor, right?

Abeke: YOWZA!!!

~Just in case you don't know, a Memoji is when you can make your face into another animal or thing's face during a video call~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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