Reilin One Shoot- By The Lakeside

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Meilin was sleeping in their tent in Zhong snoring like a chainsaw when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She woke up with a start and saw Rollan standing there. He beckoned her to come out with his finger. When they finally got out, Meilin asked loudly, "Where are you taking me? It's basically midnight!" Rollan smiled. "Midnight is when the lake looks prettiest." Meilin sighed and shook her head. When they got there Meilin gasped and widened her eyes. The lake was, indeed, beautiful. Small ripples emerged as koi fish sprang up, giving the setting a sense of liveliness. Crickets chirped and the moss bristled under their boots. The moon shone down on them, welcoming the two. Rollan grasped her hand calmly. "I wanted to show you this for some time, but I never got the chance to." Meilin chuckled. "Rollan, this is amazing!" Her smile faded. " showed me the lights in Artica, you showed me the waterfall in Amaya, and now this? I mean, why me?Why not Conor or Abeke?" Rollan blushed. "Well, because your one of the best companions I could wish for. I saw these moments alone, and I needed someone to share those moments with. Besides, I care about you. So-" Meilin interrupted Rollan with a kiss. She was baffled why she did that and usually would have jumped away from him as soon as she went back into consciousness, but they were both in a daze, so they didn't let go. After like 3 minutes they broke apart. They stared at each other wide eyed, but then they started to laugh. There was no reason to be embarrassed, because there was no one around. Besides, they just realized they actually did love each other. Then Rollan gave her a big hug. They stayed like that for a moment. Listening to the sound of nature, and embracing each other happily. After some time Rollan finally said, "I don't want to leave you Meilin." Meilin buried her head into his chest. "Don't worry, you won't." And that was that. The koi fish living their happy life, the trees remaining with their beautiful flowers, and a happy couple laughing by the lakeside.

~Thanks for finishing the whole thing! Hope you like it!~

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