I'm Here For You-Shanbeke/Conbeke

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Abeke was still sobbing about Shane's death. He was her best friend, and they might have been more. One night she was mourning him under a tree with big branches. Uraza came and nuzzled her leg. Abeke stroked her gratefully. She couldn't believe that only a few days ago Uraza was about to kill her, and Uraza succeeded in killing Shane. And that Abeke also shot her in the leg. Conor was gathering logs for the fire, Rollan was resharpening the axes Conor used, and Meilin was tending the fire. Conor saw that something was wrong, and he came towards her. "Hey, is everything ok?" Abeke didn't answer, but she bit her lip. Conor sighed and sat next to her. "It's Shane again, right?" Abeke nodded. "W-What do you think he would be doing?" Conor looked confused. "What do you mean?" "Shane. If he was alive, what do you think he would be doing right now?" Conor sat for a while not saying anything. Then he looked at Abeke. "I think he would be flirting with you." Abeke chuckled, but Conor could still see her tears. He put can arm around her shoulder. "Hey, if your having any thoughts, just know I'm here for you." Abeke just hugged him back. He's great, you know. Abeke's eyes popped open. "Who's there?" It's me, Shane. I'm saying Conor's a great person, way better than me. Abeke looked to the side and saw that Conor was gone. She responded, "But...I feel like there's noeone else i can have! I need you Shane!" Well I'm gone now, so it's best to do with what you have than to focuse too much on the past. And that's Conor. Face it, he's everything now. Abeke was staring at a wierd shaped log the whole time. It seemed uncomfortably familiar. She soon realized it wasn't a log she was talking to, but the face of Shane's spirit. He smiled. Trust your instincts, Abeke. Abeke had tons of questions but Shane's face started to fade. "Shane! Wait!" But he was gone. It was like before. Rollan and Meilin at the campsite, and Conor embracing her. "Hey, you ok?" Abeke looked up at Conor and gave him a great bear hug. "Whoa." Abeke looked up at him. "I need you Conor." His eyes widened, still confused, but then he smiled. "I'm always here Abeke. Always."

~How's that for Conbeke? :)~

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