Chapter 13

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"Mama!" the tiny girl screamed happily. "Da stwipe howsey!"

"Oh wow!" the girl's caregiver replied with equal excitement. "That's called a zebra."

"Zebwa" the baby sounded out carefully.

Diana chuckled as she led her little one by the hand down the path. As they walked, Emmi gripped her Mama's finger and bounced up and down.

"Someone's a little giggly girl today, huh?"

The brunette continued to bounce and skip as she pulled on the large woman's finger in an effort to speed up their walking.

"Wook! Das a monkey!" she gasped after seeing the chimpanzee enclosure.

Approaching the glass, Emmi pushed herself up against it and stared at the animals in wonder.

"These are chimpanzees, Em. They're actually apes and not monkeys. Monkeys have tails. Do you see tails?"

"No, Mama! A ape!"

"That's right. My smart little girl."

Emmi beamed at the praise and turned around to start heading down the path to see the next animals.

However, the girl could only toddle so fast and was easily scooped up by her Mama.

"Stay with me, please."

"Wes, Mama I cited though!" the tiny girl said while wiggling excitedly in her caregiver's arms.

Diana gave a stern yet loving look as they continued down towards the next group of animals.

Emmi squirmed uncomfortably as she felt her wet diaper rub uncomfortably against her bottom. When her Mama checked to see if she was dry a couple minutes earlier, the girl had not needed to wet. However, she had just relieved herself and was fearful of telling her caretaker she had soiled herself so soon.

"What's wrong, honey?"

The girl jumped slightly at the woman's question.

"Nofin' jus' tinkin' Mama" she said while trying to sound nonchalant.

Diana was not at all convinced and quickly reached down to check the girl's Pamper.

"No Mama!" she cried out.

"Hush, Emmi. You can't walk around wet and we want to keep your skin healthy."

A small "humph" was the only response. Diana simply lead the girl over to a nearby map and checked for the nearest bathroom.

As they headed to their new destination, the girl looked around her nervously; suddenly very aware of the people around them.

"Dey wook? No wanna go pease" she stated anxiously.

"No one will even know. A change is not up for debate. We'll do that first, wash up a little, and get some water."

Emmi gave no further response or recognition to her Mama's words and simply followed along; albeit a bit fussily.

Seeing the bathroom up ahead made the tiny girl more nervous, but she remained quiet. As she was led into the restroom and the large, back stall, she felt a bit better with the added privacy.

"Up up" Diana said lifting the girl on the changing table.

By now, the black haired woman was an expert at diaper changes and was prepared to make quick work of putting her baby in a new diaper.

"Mama?" a tiny voice said.

Diana paused briefly to acknowledge the girl.

"Hafta peepee mo' pease."

"That's okay, honey. Do you want to use your diaper or the potty?"

Emmi looked nervously between the toilet and her caregiver.

"Too w-wittle fo' da potty" she stated sadly.

Diana looked thoughtful for a moment.

"If Mama helps you do you want to sit on the potty? That's okay."

Biting her lip, the girl nodded. She held her arms up and remained still as she was carried and sat on the toilet.

"Hol' pease" the baby said while clutching her Mama's arms.

"Go ahead, peanut. I'll help you."

Emmi held her eyes shut and finally let go after a few moments of waiting. When she was finished, Diana wiped her off and carried her back to the changing station to be diapered again.

"Good girl using the potty! Maybe my little baby is growing up?" the tall woman said playfully.

"No jus' baby! W-wittle guwl!"

Diana laughed and nodded her head at the girl's words.

As they finished up and headed over to wash their hands, another woman exited a stall behind them. While Emmi tensed up instantly and began to shake, Diana remained calm.

The woman momentarily looked incredibly confused before making a disgusted face.

"What the fuck..." she mumbled out before moving to wash her hands as far away as possible.

Though she tried to hold everything inside, all of the tiny girl's emotions poured out as she started to cry loudly. Diana shot a dirty look at the woman who was hurriedly washing her hands.

"Mind your business, asshole" the tall woman said intimidatingly.

The unfamiliar lady then took a look of offense as she moved to grab paper towels.

"I'm not the one bringing some sick shit out in public! You're playing mommy to some dumb bitch who thinks she's a baby!"

Emmi wailed louder and tried to hide in the stall she and her Mama just left.

The rude woman simply ran out of the bathroom as fast as she could when Diana made a move to approach her.

Seeing as though there was no point in chasing after the person, the black haired woman sighed and rubbed her temples. She quietly entered the bathroom where Emmi was sobbing in the corner.

"Da w-wady say I dum' an' a b-ba' wor'!"

"I know, sweetheart. I'm sorry. That was very mean of her to say those things. Sometimes people who don't understand things are very rude and lash out."

"Sh-she gonna huwt me M-mama?" the sobbing baby choked out.

"No. I wouldn't allow that" Diana said seriously. "She's ignorant, but that doesn't mean you did anything wrong or that there's something wrong with you. There are some very bad, mean people in the world who may try to do or say things that hurt you. What's important is that I love you and you love yourself."

Diana was feeling overwhelmed herself and thought she was falling flat on her pep talk. To think someone would be so bold as to try and start an argument and put them down was truly shocking. She found herself feeling a bit lost as to what to do next.

Emmi continued to wail and scream as she curled into herself.

"I'm very sorry, Em. Maybe we should head home for the day..."

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