"Lili haven't seen her eat too.. Is Jennie not hungry?" Lisa swirls her chopsticks (in which Yeri taught her how to use) around in her almost empty bowl as she eyed the latter.

Yeri could only sigh. "I don't know.." She really doesn't.

"BUT WHY DID YOU DISOBEY ME???" The squirtle then remembered the reason behind all of this mess. She fumed while punching the air, it's not scary at all.

"L-Lili is sorry! Lili just lose control! It's like, that thing is calling for Lili!" Lisa whines while holding hear head, facing the table.

Yeri rolled her eyes and sigh again. She can't really blame Lisa. And she doesn't want to pressure her since the chocolate milk she was chasing was nowhere to be found when they were paying for the groceries.

"What to do now?" Yeri stands up and grab their now empty bowls (they were really hungry despites all the running and shouting they did) to the sink and started washing.

"What are you doing?" Lisa asked.

"Washing the dishes. Like unnie told us to do."


"Cleaning, it's that one thing that unnie would never forget to tell me no matter how angry she is. She can't stand dirty things." Yeri smile with her eyes still focusing on what she's doing.

"Clean view makes her calm." The youngest wasn't really focus on what she just said and why Lisa asked her. She's probably tired. (Again, after all the running and shouting.)

"Is washing the dishes the only thing that has something to do with cleaning?" Lisa's ears perked up.

"Nah, there's a lot! Y'know, like, sweeping the floor, and stuff." She yawned

Lisa tapped her chins, thinking for a while.

"Yeri, can you show me that tiny box that shows people moving again? But I want to see them cleaning?"

"What? You mean videos?" Yeri turns herself to Lisa after putting the last bowl away, raising a brow.

"If that's what it is then yes." Lisa beamed.

"At this hour??" Ugh nevermind, wait." Too tired, she just took out her phone and went to Youtube. She grimaced a little typing 'cleaning' on the search bar. She then gave her phone to the bear after tapping on the first video that appeared.

"Thank you!" The bear chirped which Yeri only waved off.

"I'm going to bed now, just put the phone on the coffee table when you're done." The squirtle then drowsily walk off to her habitat.


Weird bear, watching a bunch of people cleaning at almost midnight. Yeri thought.

Jennie woke up at 3 a.m. out of hunger. Her stomach won't stop growling and churning as she stood up on her bed.

Rubbing her eyes before adjusting them to her surrounding, she grunts. She really wanted to burst out of the door to grab something but her pride is bigger than her hunger and she liked to keep it that way.

So she just laid back to her bed, throwing an arm over to cover her eyes. But instead off drifting back to bed, she thought about the bear.

"This is so annoying." She breathed out feeling annoyed. "In a span of one day and my life is already a mess." She removed her hand to face the ceiling.

Those weren't the only thing Jennie thought of. She also thought about their expenses, extra care that she has to give out. Her life is gonna be hell of an exam with Lisa's 'what's'.

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