"No. I think ill leave it somewhere for him to find. On the roof, maybe?" He said, while swiftly taking off with ease.

"Whats the matter, Potters? Too out of reach for you?" He asked, mockingly. I was angry at Draco and mounted my broom.

"Y/N, what are you doing? You could get expelled!" Hermione said.

"I have to, 'Mione. Im not letting him talk about Neville like that." I muttered, and took off with Harry following behind me. It was quite easy, and I enjoyed the wind hitting my face.

"Give it back Draco-"

"Or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry finished.

"Really?" He said, and as Harry rushed forward, Draco spun around.

"Have it your way, then." He said, and he threw the remembrall towards the castle. Harry took off after it. I saw a student transfigure a ball and throw it towards him. I gasped and flew as fast as I could. I reached him just in time, and I knocked the ball away from him. Harry held the snitch and his hands and thanked me for hitting away the ball. Someone decided to throw the ball back at us. I caught it and threw it far into the forest.

"Nice throw, Y/N." Harry said.

"Thanks! Nice catch." We touched back down to the ground and everyone was cheering for us. That is, until Professor McGonagall walked towards us. Draco mouthed 'Im sorry'. I sighed and mouthed back an 'Its ok".

"Mr and Ms. Potter! Come with me right this instant!" She yelled. We followed her into the classroom.

"Professor, I can explain!" I said.

"Oh, your not in trouble. That was an incredible show out there, how Harry caught the remembrall, and how you were able to hit a ball away from him, catch it when it was thrown back, and toss it into the woods. I've also heard stuff from Snape, about how you did something similar, but with a chocolate frog? You just dived onto the floor to get a piece of chocolate." I blushed and hid my face. She continued.

"That is exactly what we need on our team." She said and we reached a classroom. She asked for a guy named Oliver Wood. She then brought us to an empty classroom.

"I think I've found you some new quidditch players." She told him. I know where the quidditch field is, considering I go there all the time, but I don't know how to play it.

"Mr. Potter here can be fit for a seeker, while Ms. Potter can fit all positions. I want you to meet with them and explain how it works." He nodded and she left the room. He turned to us.

"Hey Potters. My names Oliver Wood and Im also the quidditch team captain. Now, don't worry about not knowing what the game is. I want you to meet me when dinner is over in the field so I can explain the rules and such to you." Harry and I nodded and we all left to the Great Hall for dinner.

"Well that was.. eventful." I said. Harry chuckled a little.

"Yeah, it was. Don't you have to meet Malfoy and Hermione after dinner at the field?" My eyes widened in realization.

"I forgot about that! I guess I'll have to reschedule it.. or maybe they can hang out on their own? I'll figure it out." We reached the doors and headed to our table. We sat down and started eating. I looked up at Hermione.

"'Mione? We didn't get in trouble, but apparently we're going to be on a quidditch team. We're supposed to meet the team captain after classes are over." I explained. She nodded her head.

"Thats ok. Draco and I can just hang out one on one, then. I'll tell him the change of plans for you." I smiled and thanked her. I decided to leave dinner early to go to my dorm. I wasn't going to go to the field in my robes, in case he had us practice. It was also very hot outside. I reached my dorm and pulled out some of Hermione's clothes.

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