Chapter 12: unhero-like

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes and asked "Now say to them that they can use their quirks to help" I said to him. He nodded and he nodded to Caitlyn who overheard everything.

In the end only 1/4 of the class was able to do it. Only me, Bakugou, Asui, Uraraka (she cheated but whatever), and tokoyami and shoji. We were also asked to do some stuff like Back handspring, front walk over, back flips, more cartwheel and elbow stands. It was kinda tiring since I haven't done these in a while.

We also balanced on beams. Everyone was taken back that I spent years with Gymnastics.....but they only know one thing out of the things I've done.

I've practiced Law and that was really hard for some reason,  I can have a license actually if I tried taking a test for it, I also did Karate, Taekwondo, and Boxing. I hated boxing!!! It was annoying and you had to strip your top off! Good thing my trainer wasn't a scum bag unlike my Taekwondo one. He was a pure douche bag.

After gymnastics we were now with the pro heroes. "So how are you wannabe heroes? Tired already?" He mocked but Caitlyn glared at him. "What did he say?" Asked mina. " he was just wondering if you had energy for the next thing. He was wondering you were already tired" she sugar-coated.

I stopped my recording earlier but switched it on again. I stopped recording when we changed.
I whispered to myself what he said and said "Lies" and looked at him.
We were now standing in line. All the matts were removed and he began yelled, "Everyone! Push ups! Now!"
I got startled at the sound, shuddering but was very well-hidden.

I did as told and everyone soon followed. "What dumb imbeciles" he said in italian. I repeated what he said but ina whisper to the audio. He then said " 'kay I want everyone to form a circle around me." And we followed. I roll my eyes and put my hands below my sleeves. I sighed and he caught me.

"Are you bored, Todoroki? Didn't expect Endeavor's son to be this lazy" he mocked. Caitlyn tried to sugar coat everything again. "He said that you need to work harder. He noticed you yawning" she said. "But I wasn't yawning" I said and raised a brow at them.

I think he knew japanese...but good thing I noticed. He reacted and whispered to himself "Shitty brat".
Caitlyn said "What were you doing then?" She asked. "Breathing exercises. Didn't they know about them? For pro heroes that already passed how do they not know it?" I micked him but hid it with my monotone voice. I saw him grit his teeth through my left side.

"Can you repeat that?" He threatened in Japanese. He thought he caught me off surprise. "Sorry, pardon? I though you're a hero, I mean who wouldn't know that?" I say confused but actually playing it. He spoke back in italian "Damn spoiled brat. Caitlyn say to him that if he thinks he's so smart then why don't he fight me? He thinks he's already a pro. Who do you think you are? I'd kill this kid if there's no one around." He hid his glare.

Tension was thickening and I rolled my eyes when Caitlyn finally translated. Seriously, she takes too long. I could've said something but I don't want surprise him yet.

"Sure..." I roll my eyes and my classmates looked at me with confusion and said "Dude, don't do it" said kirishima. "Todobro, don't" said kaminari. "Yeah Todoroki don't do it" said midoriya. "Yeah, what are you planning," asked tenya. I rolled my eyes at them.

Suddenly Bakugou came up to me and whispered "Didn't you say you were able to understand italian? What are you planning?" He asked. I sighed and whispered "Don't say anything. I'm trying to make a point. He keeps looking down on us and keeps bad mouthing our class the whole time. Even threatening us" I say. He nods and leaves.

He just watched me and nodded for me to go for it. I went up to him in the circle. "Let's see what the son of that cocky bastard is made of. Probably another annoying and pityful shit" he muttered. I laugh at him.

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