A Million Miles Away

Start from the beginning

N's P.O.V

I wake up but can't see anything. The soft cloth around my eyes is wrapped way too tight making my eyes hurt. I feel around and sense that I'm in a very cold room. It's almost as if I'm outside. I'm tied to a chair and they've tightly put a blindfold onto my face, so I can't get a good look at who they are.

"You're never going to get away with this!" I yell at my kidnappers.

 I feel the ropes around my wrists get tighter the more I struggle and move. The blood circulation is beginning to cut off around my wrists and I can feel I'm starting to loose feeling in my hands. The tingling sensation continues to grow until I complete can't feel my hands.

"Oh, but honey we already have." A deep voice tells me.


I hear the sound of a phone getting a text message.

"Oh, no" I whisper to myself, "They've found her."

"Very, clever to give away the key." the same voice tells me," But it's too late. We found her. Now there's no need for you anymore. We just needed the key, but now life is going to get a lot harder for your friend."

I need to escape, but how? First thing I need to do is figure out where I am. How am I supposed to get this blindfold off. I think back to everything I've been taught in my life that could possibly help me right now. The problem is I wasn't awake when they transferred me to wherever I am now meaning I don't how long I've been out. It could be a couple of days or maybe even weeks. I wish I could see where I was. Maybe I don't have to.


It was back in primary school. I've always been picked on from a young age for how small I am. Bullies would always hit and kick me around. I always felt lonely, because to hang around with me automatically meant you were a social outcast. One day a new girl arrive. Like many other days I had no hope they would want to be my friend since after all I was the biggest looser in the school. Two boys a year a head of me were once again beating me up on the playground while the rest of my year just watched and laughed.

"Hey leave her alone!" the new girl shouts

"Yeah, and what are you going to do about it blind girl."

"Keep on beating her up and you'll find out!" she yelled.

I remember that day fondly because it was the first day someone stood up for me. Her long black hair was swept into a high ponytails and the look on her face was sheer determination. At first I didn't believe she is blind. And even after I met her I would always forget she was blind. She was able to navigate around the school without any help, and she wouldn't be caught dead with 'one of those sticks blind people have' as she called them. But when I looked down at her feet is when I noticed that she was barefoot. No shoes or socks where on her feet. The bullies just stood there laughing at her and while they were laughing she high kicked the first boy in the face. Then she punched the other one while they he was in shock.

"Anyone else want a turn?" she asks as the rest of the crowd left us alone.

"Wha.... how did you do that? Are you really blind? It's almost as if..."

"As if I could see?" she finished the sentence for me.


"I can feel the vibrations in the ground. It allows me to sense where things are and when things are coming close to me."

"But your high kick? How did you learn how to do that?

"My parents have always been protective of me. But ever since I was little my brothers would train me in karate lessons. My brothers are the only people who actually acknowledge that I'm not completely useless. I've mastered martial arts by now, but my parents still don't understand I'm not your traditional type of girl. I could care less about how I look or what I wear. I just want to go outside and run with the boys; I want to be free. The only thing they let me do is sew and wash dishes. 'It is your duty as a wife to provide healthy kids for your husband and to maintain the house's order'. Geez I hate how they treat me"

"Wow! Can you teach me how to do that?"

"How to sew and wash dishes?"

"No, how to used what you have around you to see."

"I guess I could teach you a thing or two. I'm Jade by the way."

"You can call me N" I tell Jade.


All I have to do is concentrate on what's around me. I could feel that outside something was raining. But I know it can't be rain since It's so cold. Wherever I am it must be snowing.

"Snowing? But it's July?" I say to myself.

I kick off my shoes and socks and feel the ground with my toes. I wiggle my toes on the ground as can feel untouched dirt that hadn't been dotted with snow meaning even though it feels like I'm outside I'm definitely in something. I can feel the heat surrounding me from the many bodies of my kidnappers that are in this area whist I hear the sounds of birds chirping in the distance. Birds, the only thing I could hear outside is birds. I panic as I realize I'm in the middle of nowhere. This place I'm in could only be one thing no heating, small area, loud nature noises, dirt floor, snowing outside. One thing is for sure I'm no longer in the UK. I'm in a shed in the middle of nowhere probably a million miles away from home.

Sincerely, N (A SIX the Musical Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now