Kylo ren was now a stranger to Fawn that she wished to forget, and only wished to focus on finding her brother. The morning only could make Fawn happy since it had been such a long night, she sat in her bed.. watching Cora settle the clothes for today that Fawn would have to wear for training. dread and more dread.

"Thank you for last night.." Fawn sighed, she hated being this vulnerable since her return. Pressure had only made Fawn believe that she had to behave mindless and strong, the nightmares broke her down though. Kylo ren broke her down though. "No problem Fawn, I only wish to help," Cora smiled, dumping fawn's clothes on the bed.

Of course, Cora wasn't actually supposed to be around Fawn this much or to act like some slave or maid for Fawn. But for both girls, they weren't alone for once. And after these few days, they felt like they built a friendship up. "I'll see you after training Fawn" she smiled one last time before leaving Fawn,

She was left alone now. That's what she now hated, due to the voices twisting her mind apart. She hadn't told Cora nor anyone, they'd believe she was crazy if she said she heard Broodys voice. Pushing onwards, she got dressed. Fawn could do it, she believed in herself.. but not when her hand lingered at the keypad of the training room.

Breathing in and out, she exhaled, opening the training room to see him standing there. A glare erupting on her face as her footsteps echoed while she got closer to Kylo ren, "beautiful as ever your majesty" his robotic voice called, shut up shut up! She screamed at herself,

Taking a few steps back to stand across from him, she despised being called your majesty.. especially coming from Kylo. "So are you going to train me or what?!" Fawn spat, her temper was certainly getting the best of her and it was something that shook Kylo.

He always saw Fawn as the fragile girl with strong gifts and sith abilities, not the girl who would snap at him. However, he had to go on. training her as always, which proved to be more difficult this time. Something inside of Fawn had completely changed,  where she was quick and clever at moving.

In his eyes, he could read of how much Fawn hated him right now.. but instead of throwing another attack at her, he engulfed in a hug before being thrown against the wall. Fawn stellarfire had truly changed due to broody, and kylo would be there each step to the way to changing her back to normal. As he knew Fawn would never leave him.

Kylo climbed back up, attempting again and engulfing her in the same hug, "I refuse to fight you right now fawn," He sang, running his hand through her hair, her chest was pressed against his so tight that kylo could feel her unsteady breathing. "I love you" kylo whispered,

"BULLSHIT!" Fawn sobbed, throwing him back against the wall before she ran off. she didn't care if training wasn't finished, she just knew that she wouldn't train with him. Fawn needed to be alone, her thoughts racing.. anger even filled her, she felt like she was going to snap.

Coras eyes grew confused as Fawn crashed in the room the way she did, "are you alright?" Cora asked, Before flinching as Fawn shot out a spark of electric near the woman's direction. A screech escaping from her lips. Fawn wasn't alright. "Cora I'm so sorry!"

< Fawn pov >

I feel like I'm being suffocated, so it just released out. Her eyes shook in free as it came so close to hitting her, I was a monster! I almost hurt my only friend left.. all because the stress and pain of being around Kylo ren had finally crept up on me. The emotional pain hurt, it hurt a lot. If he loved me, why did he do that to me?! Why did he leave me alone to suffer. I'm now trapped with their voices in my head since no one was able to help. I'm helpless.

My legs began to wobble like jelly, while the tears escaped from my eyes, I was truly weak. How did I even manage to become a 'queen' when all I did was cower one fear of the beast who wanted to protect me. like that, I collapsed on my knees, pained to know I could've killed Cora. I squeezed my eyes closed, breathing heavily and panting like some rapid dog. The coldness or fingertips embracing my shoulders, "Fawn.." her soft voice called out, peaceful at me.

I didn't dare peek at her, "open your eyes honey.." she cooed, but I still didn't. How could she be so calm after I've just almost hurt her? "You don't need to be scared". I was scared, scared of everything around me now. But nevertheless, I opened my eyes to see her face in front of mine. Her features up close to me, "just breathe.." she grasped my hand, coaching me through this panic attack.
"Just breathe.." she muttered,

My chest still felt heavy, full of problems trapped with me. My thoughts even entangled with Broody and Eros, their faces just painted in the vision of now. It was the way and expressions they had in their final moments that just haunted me, their voices that now called for me. I should be free, so why I aren't I?

Time skip..

Cora didn't leave me until the night washed above us, that was until I wished her away. The woman didn't deserve to be around my side this much after today, I let my emotions get the best of me.. after all I always did, but to be alone in my bed felt good for just this once. Even if my mind wasn't at rest, my eyes closed for the night..
Entrapping me in sleep and darkness ...

The dark hallways were long and never ending, chasing after nothing but a fairy tale, I wished for the happy ending I longed to own. I was being pulled from behind, yanked and snatched, constantly pushing away and fighting like I should. Their voices wouldn't stop calling me though, "you are no queen" they spat, I know..

I trudged on through the dark hallway, being stopped by the man in armour. My hands trailing it's metal riches, before I realised. "Brother!" I cried , over filled with joy. Only soon to be met with despair, as I was viciously grabbed. And behind the man supposed to be my brother, I saw the face of Cora in the darkness. The glimmer of her face, and blood splattered.

No. It's not real. And the blazing hot lightsaber belonging to the beast himself, his eyes meeting mine before I screamed, I screamed and screamed.


His voice yelled, awakening me from the nightmare I just experienced. I jumped into his arms, as I sobbed. "It's just a dream.." he cooed, being with kylo didn't cross my mind as I heaved in a panic. All I cared was his touch on my skin that made me feel secure and safe, "come on, breathe Fawn.. breathe" his hands rubbing my back softly.

Safety was all I craved for, and in that moment that's what I got..

Next chapter summary:

Fawn soon falls asleep in his arms, waking up to be enraged that that happened, but while searching for kylo to give her a piece of her mind, she bumps into the apologetic Hux. and is greeted by Matt the radar technician ..

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