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Healing emotionally and physically

(Sophie Turner has been added to the Act two cast

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

(Sophie Turner has been added to the Act two cast.)

The pain was like no other, that during this whole 'surgery' Fawn stellarfire was still awake and felt it all. the medical droids werent gentle at all, but once the beast had entered the room everything was 10x worse. She wished she had bled out.. she was trapped again.. that a panic attack just had to form. She couldn't stay calm.. That she was losing the blood from the wounds she re opened.

"I thought she died.." kylo spoke like she wasn't there at the medical droid, her eyes were wide and she couldn't breathe.. the grip from the droid was tight. Fawn felt physically sick, that she felt it rising, "She did. Until you attempted to bring her back and She came back alive" a voice called as it entered the room, a woman with ginger hair coming into kylos view. But her words she spoke, he didn't understand.. it wasn't possible since he was on the dark side.

Fawn was still sobbing, "stop holding her down for god sakes, you useless droid" the mysterious woman hissed, watching it scuttle away and allowing Fawn to be free.. and as Kylo predicted, he watched as the girl jumped out of bed and stumble to the floor in an attempt of escape.
"You are just going to kill your self if you continue in that way, your majesty" the woman sighed, helping Fawn up back into the bed. However, Fawn still felt like she couldn't breathe..

"What is your name. Your Acting like you know the princess!?" Kylo demanded, storming over to the woman and pushing her against the wall. Not by the force though. A smirk arrived on her face, she had balls to act this way in front of the kylo ren. "you mean queen? You hardly know her! The names', Cora fay" she chuckled amused, oh she did have big big nerves.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now!" He spat, his voice was even scarier with the mask on, that Fawn sat there in bed watching the scene turn out. Heaving quite quickly, sweat running down her, and shaking all around. She felt weak, and just a scared little girl. "Because I'm one of the most handiest doctors on this goddamn base. And I am sick, of being treated like shit 'sir' by others and my work being un noticed." Cora shrugged, squeezing past and kylo and making her way to Fawn.

"You need to breathe, your majesty.. or you'll make yourself sick. And You are currently losing some blood.. stupid fuckin' machine" Cora hissed, before scrambling around the room and getting to work. Her eyes settled on the beast who stood there, watching her. He wanted to kill her, although, she was taking care of Fawn. She certainly got His attention too.. "Sir. May you knock her out? With your magic powers" the doctor mocked, Kylo questioned her until he noticed it was the only way to stop Fawn from bleeding and dying from blood loss part 2. and so he did, Fawn was asleep once again...

He watched in the corner, as Cora got to work, but his main attention was on Fawn. That was the worst he believed he'd ever seen her, her 3rd little panic attack.. and this one could've harmed her badly. She acted like a small child, like kylo ren locked her in a cage. To Fawn, that's exactly what kylo did.

"You know she's truly something Sir" Cora pointed out, he nodded sighing.. why was he trusting a goddamn doctor. "How do you know of Fawn?" From underneath his mask, his glare was deadly at the doctor, regardless if kylo was staring she didn't care. She was amazing at her job, that being watched didnt bother her.

Cora sighed out, once she was finished. It hadn't taken long to be truthful, but the droid had did a shit job since Fawn was awake and didn't stop thrashing about. "I may have seen her brother a while ago, even been with him in fact at one point. Then I lost him and joined the first order 5 months ago? I heard of Fawn, since she was the most wanted the person in the galaxy. Poor lass.. still is since the news of her becoming queen." She explained,

Kylo hadn't known of her becoming 'queen'. He should've known when she got married to broody, and when she killed her 'father'. Now she would be stuck with that title for the rest of her life, he was so selfish for leaving her that it pained him inside. "Do you know how to fight?" Kylo asked, taking off his mask. His true features coming to view that stunned Cora but she didn't care too much, "of course. I stayed by the side of the apparently the last Mandalorian for past few years." Cora chuckled, she didn't even stutter in hesitance for someone who hadn't seen kylos true self.

"Well your hired to take care of Fawn when I cannot. You aren't needed as doctor unless necessary"

Her eyes widened. Now that made her hesitate. "That's a big big promotion sir to someone you just met- I-" she stumbled on her words, her mouth left open.

Cora was more then happy to be honest. To protect the queen?! Wow.. what honour. Fawns brother and now the actual Fawn. Cora had only heard the news about Fawn being the long lost sister of a mandalorian for ears-dropping to be honest, but that still amazed her.. These months had been rough on the doctor, but Cora felt free from the facade that she played. Like most, Cora was unheard of, treated terribly that it only gave her a sense of humour and confidence even if everything did hurt.

"T-Thank you. I mean it" she was baffled, before a smile arrived to her face and she knelt down in front of kylo. "I will protect her well" she promised. And Cora would, she would never fail the first order now.. this was all for Fawn stellarfire.

<><><><><><><><> 2 days later,

Fawn was going to return to her chamber today.. she should've been happy about that news after hours of boredom.. however she wasn't. For some reason her heart still ached and ached for kylo, but why bother? He left alone in her own hatred and misery, after all, this was the first order. She was foolish for falling in love with the first place. She guessed that she had new purpose now, since Cora appeared but Fawn was too close to Cora yet.

plus trust issues had now stormed within Fawn, not once had Hux seen her..or kylo. She laid in bed in the early hours of the morning, in slight pain.. but she was coping. Was she really a queen when she didn't exist? It proved that she was still trapped and controlled.. the doors suddenly swung open, "good morning, your majesty!" Cora cried out in joy, couldn't relate.

Fawn nodded. Cora hadn't expected Fawn to be vocal, but yet Fawn was mainly quiet.. "I am here to escort you!" She smiled, holding her hand out to Fawn. Who took it. As much as Fawn didnt trust Cora so much, the queen wasn't that cruel. "Just Fawn will do.." she tiredly mumbled, holding onto Cora as she stumbled a bit.

"Huh?" The woman questioned, helping Fawn regain her posture and good stance . Her legs were wobbly, since she had lost her strength.. but Fawn kept fighting. "Just call me Fawn. I don't like formalities if it's coming from mutuals" Fawn softly spoke, shutting her eyes for brief second before beginning steps to her chambers. It was like she was some child learning to walk...

But after dying.. and being brought back from the dead, her body was physically healing. She had only died from blood loss due to the underestimated amount of wounds, some were small and some were deeper then others due to the glass. And sadly, kylo couldn't get her to the base in time. By the time they had arrived, she was dead in his arms... in secret, he cried.. he attempted to bring her back but nothing.. so he delivered her body to snoke, to which he ordered to take her to the med bay.

Fawn shouldn't be alive. But she was, she had kept fighting somehow..

Beauty and the beast - kylo ren Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ