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Fawn stellarfire , the young girl taken from her home planet - Jakku, by force in fact

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Fawn stellarfire , the young girl taken from her home planet - Jakku, by force in fact. But It was like she remembered it as it was yesterday, being at the age of 16 when she was kidnapped. The sand would've never been good for her asthma though, but she admitted she missed her parents.. watching them blasted in the heart in front of her small eyes.. and she admitted that she never was destined to be a silly princess with the force. Only destined to be a mandalorian. Since that was what her parents were.. but never stellarfires . What happened to her brother? She would never know.

It was only because the captors of royalty believed having a child so force sensitive and very similar skills to a sith was incredibly handy to take down the resistance. Now the stellarfire family, living tucked away in Endor.

Endor, was interesting planet to live on, however quite clever for a kidnap.. the big thick jungle like trees everywhere, and the home to Ewoks. Adorable creatures, Fawn had to admit. Good creatures to have a conversation with when things got lonely, in fact possibly being the only human to ever understand and translate Ewokese . Which made Fawn even more handier to the stellarfire royalties. However, endor being the most exciting for the location of the second Death Star which had fallen. And
On the days where Fawn would be at her loneliest, the girl would escape her royalness issues and explore the Death Star.. it was always so fun and interesting To know that this is where the empire and rebel alliance battled and where it ended up..

Life had really been built on endor, as it wasn't just ewoks who now lived here but humans and over creatures too - a little village for the ewoks and humans.. and then, the palace for the stellarfires.

Stellarfire, the family was known to be technically kidnappers in ways that no mandalorian, no bounty hunt could ever hunt out. Their "king" being fat and sluggish, cold and annoying. Luckily the "queen" had passed away, but now it was just Fawn and her two sisters. Abusive. Fawn would admit, she was like some slave in their games. And almost a little toy for him.

Meanwhile, Kylo ren, leader of the first order and successful apprentice of supreme leader snoke was ordered to hunt out the force sensitive girl. Purely like a weapon. To be trained and used to defeat the resistance.

He travelled separately on his own, without his crew, or he knew the Ewoks would reign hell on his men. As scary as kylo was he wasn't going to kill a bunch of creatures that belonged to that specific planet. It was simply cruel. Cruel for the ruthless murder kylo ren..

Slightly hidden, he landed his ship far away as possible from the palace. They mustn't know of his arrival, he just needed the princess and to get out. But finding her would be the hard challenged, the masked man couldn't sense her presence in the palace itself. But yet in the Death Star. Least unexpected place for a princess to hide out in.. which made kylo question about Fawn.

After probably an hour, the commander had found a crying girl, with brown messy hair and soft looking olive skin.. kylo had noticed from away from the cracks of the broken Death Star, the tears that the princess shed. Self hugging herself in that moment. How would he go about this? Knock her clean out? Meet her first and see if she would come willingly. If so, she'd be immediately seeing snoke.

But for a few more minutes, he watched her through his haunting mask, watching little grains of the earth float up as her hand touched the ruins of the Death Star. The force. Slowly, as he saw the perfect moment for entrance, he stepped forward into her the corner of her eye. Her swift movements actually giving kylo a shock, as she cocked her head instantly at him.

"How long did you watch me suffer" her jade eyes making eye contact at his frightening mask. Quickly wiping away her tears that get plummeting down her now red cheek. But kylo watched as her eyes grew shallow and wide, her movements rapid like her breathing. He could instantly sense fear. It lingered her frail petite body.

"Not long princess, you know why I'm here; don't you?"
His robotic voice urged, as she hesitantly began to slowly rock. Bringing her head up and nodding.

"At least, may I know who my captor is?"

He wanted to scream. How the hell did this girl not know?! It didn't make any sense whatsoever to Kylo ren, but he remained patient. For once. Exhaling loudly through his mask, before beginning to speak.

"Kylo ren. Commander of the first order. How have you not heard of our accomplishments"

She let stood up, bravely standing as tall as she could as noticed that..kylo.. had noticed her fear. She didn't want to show fear, as it was usually something she had good control over in worst circumstances at home.

"Endor doesn't get much news spread around"

She shakily sighed, as she looked down at the metal she was standing on. He was quite frankly surprised, expecting her to cry more or to be desperately upset to be kidnapped but in away he saw instantly through her emotions as he silently entered her mind. He was careful to not to harm her.. or to go too deep. Only seeing and hearing the fact she wanted to escape this planet.

"Now princess shall we go?"

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