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Panic attacks

{ chapter summary }{ Fawn finishes up with meeting snoke, and faces the fact that training will happen once again with The beast, how will that go? Their first interaction since

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{ chapter summary }
{ Fawn finishes up with meeting snoke, and faces the fact that training will happen once again with The beast, how will that go? Their first interaction since.. and Cora finds that Fawns temper is running out,                                   }.                                                                         

She caught her breath smoothly, her eyes meeting snokes through the hologram as she even regained posture. His face was almost pleased at the Queen, he wasn't expecting her to climb back up from her grave. Fawn didn't stumble again even while her mind burned, fighting back to snoke was hard but not impossible.

Kylo ren had trained her well, Fawn had trained herself well during this month, and Fawns training from her past was even incredible. Her mind was strong willed and daring with ambition.. "Your learning fast Fawn" snoke smirked down at her, she nodded mindlessly.

Hoping and wishing that she wouldn't have to continue training with Kylo ren, to even stand near him was awfully hard for Fawn, to act like he didn't hurt her. That's what snoke didnt see due to her closing off her mind, "although there is few Fawn still needs to learn," snoke flickered to kylo, who heaved heavily. He forced himself to bow to the supreme leader, "yes"

Before the hologram was switched off. Silence erupted between the four, but Cora didn't care, the woman had grew an attachment to Fawn. And to see that all play out, was twisted and sick! "My majesty! Are you okay?!" Cora yelped in a panic, checking to see if any of the wounds re opened which wasn't the case.

Fawn sighed, she was the better person, "I'll be fine, let's retire back to my chambers" she didn't even glance at kylo as he stared at her , nor did she look at Hux.

The two men did what they had to do though, if Snoke had found out that Fawn was actually alive after seeing her dead body. Hell would've reigned down on them. But Fawn didn't see it that way, she saw it that Kylo got pleasure from seeing her hurt even more. She had to continue on though, she was trying..

Being back into her room was comforting, that she broke character and jumped onto her bed. Laying down like Cora wasn't even watching, "stay with me tonight Cora.." she breathed heavily, the headache pounding.
"Of course Fawn," she replied,

< Time skip >

Night dawned on them, and Fawn was finally able to sleep. Well not exactly, and that's why Cora was there. The queen simply didn't want to sleep alone, and not meaning in the same bed with Cora, she just didn't want to be engulfed in darkness. Fawn was glad she made that choice too, and nightmares clouded her vision that only made her sob and sob.. kylo would've been better to be there, but he wasn't.

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