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Becky has on her shorts then she'd shirt as she puts on her then throws her sweatpants and matching jacket since the are going to a different school off campus Charlotte hated when Becky had to go cause they rival school is 3 hours away coming from there school

Becky: Baby come here let me love you before I leave

Becky pulls Charlotte from running away from her by her pants

Charlotte: Baby later

Becky: Nope cause imma be gone for 3 hours without my baby I can't be gone for that long

Becky manages to get Charlotte's pants off

40 Mins Later

Becky walks Charlotte walk to the bus where Becky's teammates were waiting for her

Kacy: you ready..what's on your mouth

Becky: Charlotte c-

Charlotte punches Becky on the arm

Becky: owh

Charlotte: That's private

Becky rolls her eyes before giving her a kiss and getting on the bus

Becky: be back soon baby

Charlotte nods then the bus leaves and Charlotte heads back to campus and into the room but is surprised to see..Ronda Rousey there with her jacket on hair down and glasses on sitting in a chair then she smiles and Charlotte was scared

Charlotte: R-Ronda I- uh I um uh I I

Ronda: shhhh baby all freaked out and scared

Charlotte backed up but Ronda has a smirk

Ronda: Baby I haven't seen you in a while Hi how have you been

Charlotte: Good

Ronda nods then traces her finger up and down Charlotte's arm and it made her exhales loudly

Charlotte: Ron-R-I-I guess you are here to hurt me well you can't I have a girlfriend

Ronda: It's cool it's cool I don't care about that Char because If I want your sexy ass I can take you I hope you know that

Charlotte pushes Ronda but Ronda grabs Charlottes by her hair and gets her on her knees then she bends down to her knees and kisses her neck

Ronda: Sexy Sexy

Then someone walk in and it was Bayley and Charlotte was in tears

Ronda: oh no no Ash baby don't cry please don't let those beautiful Ocean eyes be full of tears

Ronda picks Charlotte up and sets her on the bed

Ronda: I just wanna show you something

Charlotte was scared of Ronda terrified of her and it hurt to have to feel that way

Bayley: yo back the fuck up Charlotte

Ronda:Ashley I just wanted to kiss your soft plump lips that's all

Bayley: Get out Ronda

Ronda looks at Charlotte up and down then leaves and Charlotte starts to tear up

Charlotte: this is not gonna be the last time I see her

Bayley comforted Charlotte while Becky was at a game


Sasha was walking around when she saw a new girl looking for Bayley then Sasha sees Bayley walk outta Becky's room

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