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Sasha was nervous all the "bye's" she was receiving... but she wasn't as scared because she had her best friend Becky with College going to be rough for Sasha?

As Sasha heads to College her dream school when she gets to the front desk and she sees a nice lady

Renee: Hi how may I help you

Sasha: Yes I would like to see where my dorm is located

Renee: Alright can I see your mailed ID

Sasha gives the ID to Renee Young

Renee: yes you will in dorm 176 and your Dorm roommate will be with you in a few

Sasha: Thank you

Sasha goes in her Dorm and agrees that she will sleep at the bottem as she puts her things up she shes her Best friend enter

Sasha: Aw Yes

Becky: Wussap boiiiii

Sasha covers Becky's mouth

Sasha: not that meme again

Becky: geez I thought you would miss Becky's go ole memes reviver

Sasha: never did

Becky: Okay Damn still the same Sasha

Sasha smirks

Sasha: You betta know it

Becky: Wow and you stole the bottom bunk from me okay top it is..but the again when am I ever not

Becky smirks as she climbs up and Sasha rolls her eyes and smiles

Becky: So any eyes on any cute people

Sasha looks at Becky with a "really" look

Becky: Hey you never know you could have been walking in and spotted someone and been like "ooh"

Sasha: Well no Sir quick a lot I have not cause I'm trying to get my schedule together Becks

Becky: Well I already have found my future wife

Sasha: Future wife or side chick?

Becky: Well I mean I think she's into me

Sasha: oh yeah how?

Becky well we bumped into each other and she said "Pardon me love"

Sasha sarcastically wow's

Sasha: Man like Romeo and Juliet

Becky: Okay okay maybe I'm moving too fast

Sasha: Yeah maybe

Becky: but I'm only trying to help you cause your last relationship was a mess remember

Sasha: wasn't that bad

Becky: She cheated on you with her science partner since then your cheer partner..then your history teacher..then the girl that lives next door to her..and now it's like you shut yourself out from love

Sasha: Look I was young okay I didn't know right from wrong when it came to love but now I'm in Collage Becks I need to stay on top of my classes nothing else no distractions I mean it I was in a relationship for 4 years

Becky nods

Becky: I mean..just don't close all your doors okay

Sasha nods

Sasha: Well until then you wanna go grab a quick bite

Becky: I'm down why not

Becky and Sasha head to this nice looking Diner called Pop's Dine-In

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