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Bayley was laying with Sasha Banks in her arms sleeping Bayley gives her a kiss  on the forehead then she checks her phone for the time but instead gets a text from her lol sister Aj Lee-Martinez

AJ💜: Emergency ASAP

Then Bayley sees that Aj left her a voicemail so she plays it

Aj: B-Bayley p-pl-please come over I.. *sniff* I'm scared

????: WHO..Are you talking too love

Aj: n-no one

????: give me the phone

Aj: n-no



Bayley got outta bed without waking Sasha Banks up then places a letter on the bed

Dear Sasha 💗
You were right all along my biggest fear in life is love I spent my entire life thinking that love was a weak and useless feeling but it turns out that's the best feeling in the world is love something I've never experienced since I met you the truth is that I love you and only you thanks for last night but I don't want to treat it like a one night stand I want to amount to something more because you are very different from others it just feels like you were meant for me that was meant for you so when you wake up give me a call or text me and let me know how you feel

From Bayley 😊

Bayley walks out quietly then drives to Aj who was 12 mins away cause the dorms space..she feared for once she dry makes it back to Aj's dorm she uses her spare key to get in and sees someone she feared in a while Jeff Jarret..Jeff turns around smiling as he was holding Aj by her arm and Aj was in tears scared

Jeff: Bayley my babygirl my my you have grown up

Bayley: D-D-Dad? no stay away from me AJ come here stay away from her

Aj runs over and hugs Bayley tight she was scared as Bayley hugs her back then tells her to go to the car Aj was hesitant but went when Bayley gave her "that look" and Aj went to the car

Jeff: So I see you're still breaking hearts like I taught you

Bayley: you taught me nothing but anger and hate I won't thank you for a damn thing—

Jeff punch Bayley in the face so hard it caused Bayley to fall on her knees and hold her left cheek in pain by this time Bayley had already punch this dude in the mouth and kept beating him but for some reason she couldn't build up the strength to beat up Jeff it was like her body wouldn't let her do it

Jeff: I don't care how old you are... I don't care where you've been... And I don't care what you've been doing before you came over here... But you will not speak to me any kind of way hate me or not I'm still your father and you will show me some respect

Bayley stands up and is toe to toe with Jeff

Jeff: miss me?

Bayley: not one bit—

Jeff pushed Bayley up against the wall by her throat not choking her but holding her down by her throat

Jeff: I said did you miss me?

Bayley: Ye-yes yes

Jeff smiles demonically at Bayley

Jeff: I know you did that's why I'm getting you your sister and moving you guys back down to where we live

Bayley: N-no you can't do that

Jeff: I can and I will because I am your biological father and Torrie is your biological mother not Eddie not Chyna but me okay

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