Chapter One

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It was the best day of her life and her first date was the best it could have ever been. As her date was walking her home, they stopped, and moved closer to each other. He reached for her hand as they stared into each other's eyes. And then..

Everleigh woke up. The 19 year old Burger King employee turned over in dismay. She heard a vibration coming from her end-table so she reached for her phone lazily. Uncoordinated, her hand pushed the phone off of the table resulting in a loud thud onto her wooded floor. "Ugh.." she said, as she slowly crawled out of bed and bent down to pick it up. "Any cracks?" she mumbled as she observed her smart phone for any imperfections. Her phone was fine; the bulky yellow case had saved it.

Next she checked to see what the notification was. Her eyes grew wide and her face changed from white to red as she read the message from her manager telling her that if she did not arrive at work in five minutes she was fired.

Panicked, she jumped up and rushed to her closet where she threw on her "uniform." She ran to the mirror by her door, raked through her brown locks with her fingers, and put on a hat. Lastly she shoved her phone in her pocket,  grabbed her purse, stuffed a banana in her mouth, and ran out the door to her car.

It took a bit to get her old truck moving, but she got it to work and sped off out of her neighborhood. Thankfully, Burger King was only a couple of minutes away from Everleigh's house, and because of that, she arrived just on time. Hurriedly, she parked her car and walked up to the door. She took a deep breath and walked in.

All of her co-employees were staring at her with ugly looks on their faces. None of them were ever kind to her, and nobody looked like they wanted to be there. "Oh, brother," she mumbled as she approached her manager whose arms were crossed.

After being scolded, Everleigh immediately got to work by the drive-thru window. Her attitude was a forced pleasantness, and she wore a fake smile every time her manager walked by. She watched Everleigh very intently and more often than she usually does on a regular day.

After a torturous day at work, she headed home, and boy did she feel relieved! As she shut her car door and walked up to her shared apartment, she dropped her keys. "Whoops." Everleigh bent down and just as she was about to take them, another hand grabbed them too. "Hey!" she exclaimed.

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