Tokito Muichiro - What If

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"What are you staring at?" Muichiro asks, laying beside you in the grass.

You smile gently, looking at the sky full of bright stars. "At the never-ending sky."

"You can't see skies like this in the city, you know?" You continue, your eyes reflecting the stars' shine. "Because of the light of the lamps. It's beautiful."

"I guess it is." He agrees, turning his head to look at you but you don't notice.

Muichiro looks again at the sky. He thought of anything to say but his mind wasn't cooperating with him and he struggled.

However, you broke the silence. "Do you think we'll be able to reach them someday?" You ask, your arm stretched out to the sky.

"Who knows? Maybe yes, maybe not." He sighs. "But what I do know is that Humanity is able to do amazing things."

"Right?" You turn to him, blushing a bit when you realize he had turned back on looking at you.

"The world is vast, isn't it?" You ask, gazing into his eyes. "We have mountains and plains, deserts and oceans. It's amazing how diverse it is. Not to mention the sky..." You trail of, looking at the grass.

"Why are you talking about those things?" Muichiro asks, curious.

You shrug. "I was just thinking... If I hadn't lost my father to a demon, I would never have become a Demon Slayer. Sometimes I think on what I would be doing, the job I would have. But what I would actually like was to travel around the world and see all kinds of places and meet all types of people." Your eyes twinkle a bit at that and Muichiro notices it.

"Are you not happy here?" He whispers, looking down. Your eyes widen and you sit up, waving your hands.

"That's not what I meant! I like what I do and I like the people I met! I have had experiences and learn things that I could never imagine and I am truly grateful for that."

Muichiro looks at you, puzzled. He was still laying on the ground and you grip the soft grass beneath your fingers, preparing to confess what you were feeling.

"But... I can't help but imagine what my life would have been like in a world without demons. I can't help but to think 'What if'?"

Muichiro stays quiet for a few moments, considering your words. He looks at the stars and then at you and then back at the stars. Finally, he sighs and pats the spot next to him.

You blink, confused. "What?" You ask.

He pats it again, looking rather relaxed. "Come here. I want to tell you something."

You blush slightly and you do as you he asks. You crawl until you're next to him, trying to look calm but feeling anything but calm.

"Lay down." You take a sharp breath but again, you do as he asks.

He places his hand on his chest, intertwining his fingers. Muichiro fixes his eyes on the stars and you fix your eyes on his cute face.

"I understand what you mean. Before I became a Demon Slayer, I led a simple life, a life I thought I would carry for the rest of my life. But then this chance came and I..." He hesitates for a moment, thinking of his next words. "My circumstances changed. But even when I was a simple person, I dreamed of travelling, of leaving this place."

"Really?" You ask, surprised. You always thought the boy was the type to like to stay on one place.

"Yes. So..." He gazes at you. "Don't feel bad for having those feelings, it's normal. I guess everyone here would like to have another job for a living."

The feeling of being understood left you with no words to say. All this time, you had felt guilty for wanting something else. But the truth was that, everyone in the Corps had lost someone. And every single one of them would surely have imagined a life without demons, not just you.

You feel so happy that, without thinking, you spread an arm across his chest, embracing him. When you realize what you had done, you try to take your arm away but Muichiro softly places his hand on your arm, preventing you to do so.

You make a small smile as you place your head next to his shoulder.

"Thank you, Muichiro." You whisper, suddenly feeling sleepy. "One of the best thing about coming here was meeting you."

Muichiro caresses your hair as you fall asleep peacefully. He made a small smile as he looked at you, brushing away some hair from your forehead.

"And I'm so glad you came. You made me a imagine a future that I had never dreamed of having before I met you."

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