Tomioka Giyuu - Off Guard

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"Is everything ok-"

Tomioka places his index finger on your lips and you stop talking. You hear footsteps coming close to the alley you were and a voice.

"Tomioka-san!" Shinobu calls. "You can't hide forever! You have to fill the reports!"

Shinobu continued and eventually her voice was reduced to a murmur.

But you couldn't think of anything except of the proximity of Tomioka's body to yours. You were so close you could feel his breath on your face, clouding your thoughts.

Tomioka sighs in relief when Shinobu disappears and takes his finger from your lips.

"I'm very sorry for startling you, (Y/N), but I just cou-"

You cut him off when you kiss him on the lips, surprising both of you.

When you came you your senses, you pull away, covering your mouth with your hand, blushing hard.

I can't believe I did that! You were about to apologize when you look at his expression. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung slightly open. He takes a quick breath before going away, so quickly you couldn't stop him.

And there you stood for what like felt an eternity, feeling sad and heartbroken.

I'm such an idiot. I've ruined everything.


A week passed since then and you hadn't seen Tomioka at all. He was always out on missions or training, and you didn't want to bother him further.

You wanted to apologize for your impulsive and stupid behavior, but you couldn't bring yourself to gain the courage to do it. You just wanted to forget than you had been rejected.

It's not like I wasn't prepared. But... it still hurts.

"(Y/N)?" A familiar voice calls and you turn around, only to see Zenitsu. "What are you doing here?"

You were so distracted in your own little world that you didn't notice that you had gone to Shinobu's mansion.

"O-Oh, I was distracted, I didn't see where I was going." You say. You were under the guidance of Kanjori.

Zenitsu smiles. "It's okay." He frowns. "But you don't seem okay."

You jump a bit, startled. "W-What?"

"You seem sad. What happened?" He takes a few steps toward you and you clench your fists, feeling all the emotion you had tried to hide coming.

"N-Nothing. Must be your imagination."

He raises an eyebrow and then smiles again. "I know! Let's go eat a watermelon! They are delicious and it's so hot that is going to taste even better."

You had no time to refuse as you grabbed your hand and led you. You two sat there talking and laughing and you felt yourself feeling better, the uneasy feeling vanishing slowly.

Zenitsu had told a joke and you laughing, tears in your eyes, when a neutral voice comes from your side.


You turn, smiling brightly because of the joke, but the smile vanishes as you see who it was.


"What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, you felt angry. "What do you have to do with that? I can do whatever I want." Zenitsu eyes widen at your words, since you're always kind. He was not a fool, he understood the Pillar was the one that had caused you sadness.

Tomioka flinches slightly at how rude you were talking with him. He didn't like it.

"I need to speak with you. Please." He adds and you eyes widen slightly, and your heart begins to race.

"About what?" You surely hoped he had forgotten what you had done.

He blinks, as if your question didn't make sense. "You know what. About the kis-"

"Okay, OKAY!" You yell, waving your hands as you get up. You turn. "Thank you, Zenitsu, for this wonderful time. I was needing it."

The boy blushes slightly and Tomioka noticed it. Both you and the Pillar go into a quiet place, where no one could hear you.

You were still feeling a bit angry; however, upon looking at his face, you remember what you had done and embarrassment and shame overshadow the anger. Your hands grip your uniform and you look everywhere but at the man in front of you.

"I'm sorry." His words surprise you and you quickly look at him, confused.

"Why are you sorry?" You ask, unable to ask anything else.

"I've been very busy this week and I couldn't speak with you. People told me that you had been asking for me. I'm sorry it took me so long."

"O-Oh... I see." That was all he wanted to say? You wave your hands and shake your head, trying to let him know that he wasn't at fault. "B-But I'm the one who's sorry."

You bow, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry for my impulsive and ridicolous action the other day. It won't happen again."


You quickly rise up. Tomioka looked as if the question had escaped his mouth before he could stop it. It was the first time you saw him embarrassed.

"I mean..." He composes himself, coughing. "Why are you apologizing?"

You try to calm your heart and prevent the blood that was rushing to your cheeks. You failed. "Because I did something I shouldn't have done and that you didn't want to. And I'm sorry."

You wanted this conversation to end as soon as possible as you looked at him, anxious for what he would say.

Tomioka takes a few steps toward you and, after a moment of hesitation, he holds your hand.

I'm so nervous I could die right now!

"I... I didn't really mind." He whispers. He caresses the back of your hand before moving his gaze to you. His eyes, usually so neutral that you couldn't guess what he was thinking, were gentle and kind.

"And I don't really mind..."He starts, leaning in. You could swear your heart was about to explode. "If we do it again."

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