Kocho Shinobu - Live

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Requested by Ryuuzaki18. Hope you enjoy!

Mochi = Yoo-hoo
Ara= Well

"Mochi, mochi." A soft voice calls, making you look startled to the entrance of the cave you were hiding.

You couldn't see the woman very well because of the sunlight. But even so, her presence made you afraid and you start trembling slightly.

"Is anyone here? I can't see since it's so dark."

You purse your lips, not making a sound.

Maybe if I stay quiet, she'll go away.

"Nobody's answering... Well, I guess I'll go see for myself." She says cheerfully making your heart beat even faster.

No, no, no! She has to go away! You start crawling to the back of the cave. Please, go aw-

"Oh, so someone's indeed here!" You hear as you feel a hand on your shoulder, making you stop as if she had frozen you.

"Hi there!" The woman says and you continue to face forward, too afraid to look back. You start to feel hungry but you keep it down.

"Why aren't you looking at me? I'm not going to bite you, you know?" Her voice was pleasing to hear, so soft that it was.

"G-Go away." You say, still not facing her. "Now."


"Just go!"

"Were you like that when you were human?" She asks and your eyes widen and your trembling increases.

"W-What are you talking about?" You ask, turning around. You could barely see her face but it was enough to know that she was pretty. "I-I'm hum-"

She places her index finger on your lips and smiles. "We both know it's not true. So relax, please."

You gulp, confused by the woman. Who was she? How did she know that you were not human?

"I'm Shinobu Kocho, pleased to meet you." She tilts her head and it seemed that she had closed her eyes. "I'm a demon slayer."

For a moment, you forgot how to breath. A demons slayer? You heart races. T-Then she's here to kill me? No, please no. I-I don't want to die.

Shinobu waves a hand in front of your face. "What happened? Are you alright?"

"A-Aren't you here to kill me?" You murmur, making an effort to say each word.

She blinks and smiles. "I was actually on my way to my home since I have already completed my mission! But then I sensed another demon and I came to check."

A demon. That's what you were. A monster. A man-eating creature.

You still remembered how you hadn't given any thought when the elders told stories about demons, and that was why it was better to stay at home when it was dark.

If you had believed, you wouldn't be in this situation.

You look down, gathering courage. "Please do it quickly." You say as you sit on your legs. You close your eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a demon and you're a demon slayer. So please kill me quickly."

"Do you wish to die?" Her tone was curious.

You take a sharp breath. "No." You answer honestly. "But I don't to live as a demon too."

"Hmm... That sounds familiar somehow. But now tell me..." You feel a hand on your cheek and you open your eyes to see Shinobu leaning to your face.

So close!

"How many humans have you eaten?"


You felt at least a bit pride at that.

"Ara, ara, it seems like we have another case!" She exclaims as she clasps her hands, making you confused. Another case?

"And do you wish to eat humans?" Shinobu continues.

"No." You say, disgusted at the idea.

"Are you sure? If you saw me bleeding would you try to attack me?" She asks sweetly.

"What? I don't know. Probably not."

"I see. Then we'll have to test it!"

She rolls up her sleeve, showing her skin. Then, with her sword - that looked a little odd- she scratches it, a line of blood appearing as it dripped onto the floor.

Your veins instantly pop out and the hunger increases more than ever. You put your hands on the ground, digging your nails in it to suppress your terrible desires.

Be strong! Do not give up!

It was only a few seconds but it seemed like years when you turned around, curling into a ball. You place your head on your knees.

"It seems you are strong enough to hold your hunger. That's very good!" You hear her say cheerfully.

"Now we can head out to the Demon Slayer Corps together!"

"Ah?!" You exclaim, incredulous, as you turn around. "They would never accept me! I'm a monster to them and to everyone!"

"There has been a precedent. So I think it will be alright!" She says enthusiastically.

"I-I can't go." You stutter, amazed by her request.

Shinobu blinks at you before making a soft smile. "And what other choice do you have?"

"Well, I-"

"For how long have you been in this cave?" Shinobu asks, tilting her head.

You frown. "For about 4 months."

"And for how long have you been a demon?"

Your eyes widen, understanding her question. You look away.

"For about 4 months." You whisper.

"I'm so sorry but I couldn't hear."

You grit your teeth. "4 months!"

"Ah, so that is more like surviving than living, isn't it?" She comments and you curl your hands into fists.

"I have no choice. I don't want to hurt anyone."

"But I'm giving you a choice." The woman says innocently. "Come with me and you will be alright."

"The others will despise me."

"Maybe." She agrees and your hearts sank. "But," She lifts your chin with her hand, gazing into your eyes. You blush slightly. "I won't let them hurt you."

Your heart races and you feel yourself gaining hope. Was is it really possible?

"Really?" You murmur.

"Yes." She closes her eyes and smiles. Why are all her smiles so beautiful?

You wrap your arms around her and seconds after, arms embracing you too. Tears ran down your cheeks.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" You manage to say between sobs.

You feel her hand caressing your hair. "You don't have to thank me... hum?"

You pull away as you wipe your tears, smiling. "My name is (L/N) (Y/N)."

Another smile. "That's a beautiful name."


"Hey," You call. "I was wondering. Why is your sword shaped like that?"

Shinobu looks at her sword. "Oh, I'm an alchemist! So I don't really behead demons, I just poise them and then they perish!"


"Yes! I have some that go to the painless of deaths to some that can actually melt your insides from within!"

Her tone was so innocent to something so scary that it had you giggle.

Shinobu blushed slightly at that.

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