Kamado Tanjiro - Fight

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Tanjiro is so freaking perfect.

You almost had no control of your own body.

The smell.

The taste. You almost could feel it and it was making you crazy.

Your consciousness was slipping way fast and your wild instincts were taking care of your brain and movements.

It was taking all you got not to give up to that side.

Taking deep and quick breaths, you managed to talk, although it hurt you like you never imagined.

"K-Kill m-me..." You plead to the boy you were stranding in the ground, your hands intertwined as he fought back. "Pl-please, kill m-me."

The boy's eyes widen, shocked and confused by your request. Then, a sad expression took care of his face making you confused.

"You have never devoured a human, have you?!" He shouts, making you grit your teeth by his question. "You can fight it. You have to fight it!"

"Just k-kill me already." You say, eyeing the sword in his waist.

"No!" He exclaims, making you lose your grip a bit by the shock. He took advantage of that and quickly got up, making you fall to the ground. You get up, your veins popping out from the hunger and anger.

You seriously wanted to give up to the demon inside you.

"You still distinguish between right and wrong, right?! So that means you conserve human emotions! You mustn't give up! Fight back!" He pleads, a pained and determined expression on his face.

Why the heck would he feel pain for a monster like me?

"Shut up... You don't know a damn thing about what I feel-"

"My sister is a demon too!" He declares and you feel your breath failing you. "However, she has never devoured humans! And she continues to live on, fighting alongside me!"

"That's a lie." You say, feeling tears at the corners of your eyes. "Demons and human cannot coexist. Even if she was your sister."

"She is still my sister! She's not here because she went a friend to check out something but I promise you she's good! Like you!"

Was that actually possible? Continue to live as a demon? Resist to the creature that wanted to consume human flesh?

"No way..." You mumble. But inside, you wanted to believe his words.

He was still bleeding, though. The smell of blood seemed stronger than ever and you found yourself launching for him, aiming for his throat.

He dodged it. "I can smell it. You feel lonely and confused and I know that you don't want to eat me! You still have humanity!"


"You still have humanity."

That's right. I was human. I can't let that damn guy who transformed me win. I have to fight it! For me and for who I was!

You force yourself to stop, struggling in your mind to regain control of your body. But the smell...

"The b-bleeding." You manage to say, an eye closed and the other open. "S-Stop it."

The boys eyes instantly divert to his leg and he quickly bandages it with a piece of fabric.

It helped you to calm down. Remembering your training, you take deep breaths while you try to calm your mind.

After a few seconds, you feel the hunger inside you slowly disappearing.

You move your gaze to the boy, a sad smile on your lips. "I fought it."

The boy smiles happily and you feel your heart jump. What a genuine smile...

"I can smell it. You don't want to hurt me."

You sit on the floor, suddenly exhausted by the mental battle you did. The moon was shining brightly in the night sky.

The boys sits next to you, surprising you. "Thanks." You say, looking forward. "If it weren't for you... I probably would have lost to the demon."

"You did all the work. I just said the truth."

Even his voice was soothing.

"Was it true? What you said about your sister?"

"Yes." Sadness lingers in his eyes for a second. "But she protects humans."

"I would love to meet her."

"Of course you can. You just have to come with me."

"How?" You blink. "Sunlight and me don't really get along anymore."

He makes a small smile. "I have ways to deal with that."

"Why would you do that for a stranger like me? A monster?" You heart aches at the word.

"I don't really see you as a monster. More like a victim." He says softly, sadness in his tone.

"Victim?" You ask, surprised.

"You didn't ask to be turned in a demon. Like my sister. You were innocent and didn't deserve this."

His honest tone made you warm inside.

"I don't believe there are many slayers who think that. At least, not that I remember."


"I... used to be a demon slayer too." You confess, hiding your face in your hands. "I got a mission to slay a demon that was attacking humans in a village but the demon... was the demon. The one who transform humans into demons."

You take a glance at the boy, shock plastered on his face.

"I stood no chance. I was on the ground and thought he was going to kill me... but he laughed and transformed me instead."

You start to sob, tears falling down. "Pretty humiliating, don't you think? A demon slayer becoming what she vowed to destroy. I retreated myself to the forest, away from humans. It's been a year and I have managed to survive, not encountering any human fortunately."

You feel a hand on your back, encouraging you to go on. "But then I felt the smell of blood... And I completely lost it."

"You fought." He says.

You laugh through the tears. "True."

There was a moment of silence. "I thought I wanted to die you know?" You continue, gazing at the moon. "But I was never able to expose myself to the sunlight or kill myself with the sword. I even buried it."

The boy thinks. "I think that just means you still want to live. And I see nothing wrong with that."

Your heart flutters and you blush slightly. No one had ever been so kind to you. And you never imagined that that would happen with you being a demon.

"What's your name?"

"Kamado Tanjiro. And yours?"

"(L/N) (Y/N)."

"That's a beautiful name, (Y/N)."

He gets up, reaching out a hand to you.

"Come with me. And I promise you I'll turn you back into a human."

And with those words, you made your very first genuine smile in a long, long time.

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