16 • miracles

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Hermione sprinted out of the hall into the porch. She took a deep breath as she processed what had happened. Ron attempted to charm Hermione with a Pureblood Heirloom. These heirlooms are enchanted with powerful binding spells, which sometimes may backfire.

Hermione stood motionless as the snow slowly settled on her shoulders. Her hands shivered with a lack of warmth, her gloves resting on the couch. The sound of her chafing her hands attracted the attention of Pigwidgeon, who was in his heated enchanted birdhouse. She blew air on her palms as her breath became visible in the light fog.

Inside, Ginny threatened to expose Ron's atrocious behaviour to their mother. Harry was severely disappointed in his friend, nodding at almost every word said by Ginny. Her face became the same shade as her air, horrified that her sibling could actually do something this questionable.

"Ronald Weasley, let mother reach home. I'll make sure that you pay for your actions! What sort of Gryffindor are you when you can't even respect others? Leave at this instant."

Meanwhile, Draco detected the absence of Hermione, only to catch her on the porch. He quietly walked toward the brunette, not wanting to attract Ginny's anger at him. The girl's eyes were scrunched either from Ron or the unbearable cold.

"You're a witch, remember?" Draco took out his wand as he charmed the nearby areas to turn warmer. Hermione fretted, her mood slightly alleviated, even if it was at the expense of an insult. He continued, "You okay?"

"I don't think I can digest what happened. Ron tried to use the equivalent of a love potion on me. Why didn't it work?"

Draco chuckled, his dusty voice capturing the winter's essence, "Weasel King tried to enchant you, and you're wondering why it didn't work? Dear Merlin, your ambition for knowledge is misplaced."

The blonde continued, "As Weaslette- Ahh! Sorry, I meant Ginny. Yes, Ginny. So, as Ginny told everyone, it works with only the youngest heir, doesn't it? I'm born nearly a year after him. Maybe, he didn't know that."

Hermione turned around so quick that she might have snapped her neck. "You're right! Malfoy, I didn't know you were intelligent." Draco willfully ignored the concluding phrase. He focused on Hermione's mesmerized face as curiosity shadowed over her iris. The spell started to wear off, and chills ran down the couple's spines.

Draco became awkward, "I don't think it's worth going inside right now. Should we, uh, just stay here?"

Hermione nodded stiffly, unwilling to move in the snowy weather. Draco extended his coat towards the girl, who accepted it after a moment. The couple cuddled as snowflakes covered the entire skyline. Above their heads was a mistletoe, but Draco decided to ignore it. The last action he wanted to take was to dubiously consent to a kiss under the guise of tradition. Right now, he was just happy to be Hermione's friend.

Draco hesitated as he attempted to break the cycle, "After Christmas, would you help me train me? I mean, Meta Wizard-wise. I've nearly perfected my control over emotions. I just need to restrain the Veela."

Hermione further sank into the blonde's chest, subconsciously searching for warmth, "Of course, Malfoy. I'm surprised you're asking me at this point. A few days ago, you were practically insulting me in public."

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