11 • weasley

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Hermione was wrong. Things didn't go as she had planned. In a snap of fingers, Christmas vacation had arrived. Earlier at dawn, Theo had overslept when the train had arrived. At breakfast, Blaise had choked on pumpkin juice. At the last moment, Draco refused to meet the Weasleys. What was he supposed to say? Hi Parents? It's great to see you after being abducted by wild blood purists and obliging to the unjust side of the battle. The train was about to leave any minute now. So she did the last reasonable thing anyone could - apply force.

Hermione was beaming even at the thought of meeting the Weasleys. Without glancing, Hermione tugged the meta-wizard by his arm onto the train. To an outsider, it seemed Granger was ecstatically abducting the Blonde in a mystical express. Theo had been documenting the entire scene on his camcorder. When the immature adults settled in a secluded cabin, Theo played the clip on loop, receiving threats from the ex-Malfoy.

There had been an unexpected addition to the group. Luna Lovegood currently sat next to Theo. It was more like sitting on Theo. The sight was no new thing for Draco or Hermione, but Blaise was physically uncomfortable.

"Nott, Looney, get a room." Blaise cringed as the words seemed to have the opposite effect than intended, as Luna and Theo cuddled more. While maintaining eye contact with the Gryffindor, he swung his arm across the girl and-

Blaise shrieked, "Okay! I acknowledge my defeat!"

Satisfied, Theo ceased his further actions but didn't retract his arms from his girlfriend's shoulders. He admirably caressed her hair as Luna told him about the latest Quibbler edition. Nobody knew if Theo was actually listening, but he just looked mesmerized.

Hermione sat up straight as she was thrilled to ask the couple in front of them, "So, how exactly did you get together?" Her excitement about inquisitiveness was floating in the air.

Theo unhesitantly chattered, "I was going to the Herbology class." He halted when he saw the blonde muffling his laughs, "Yes, ex-Malfoy, I study herbology. Anyways, I collided with Longbottom. He was carrying several heavy books with him, and it pained me to see a young man suffering." As he said this, Theo clutched the cloth right above his heart. "I don't know what went through my mind, but I decided to help him."

Luna intervened dreamily, "It must be the nargles. They have the energy to transform one's emotions and thoughts."

Theo grinned, "I'm sure you're right, Lu." As Luna smiled, Theo resumed, "The nargles must have done what Lu said, and then we both entered the Herbology classroom. Needless to say, Sprout was quite surprised to witness the rival houses being cordial. After the class, Sprout held us back and gave an entire 'new-gen-house-unity' speech. When I was leaving-"

Blaise intervened, "Yeah, yeah. You met Lovegood."

Theo shrugged, "No, dude. I just saw a levitating chit. I pocketed it and read it later on. It stated something like 'meet me where the stars shine at twilight, so I went to the Astronomy tower at midnight."

Luna airily said, "I met Theo up there around two weeks ago. I'm happy he saw the paper. I initially left it for Neville."

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