9 • bloody (red) sparks

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The moonlight's reflection glimmered under the Black Lake, visible to the young Slytherins as they peeked out their windows. The remaining trio had decided to call it a day and let Draco relax. Zabini returned to his dorm, whereas Theo and Hermione catnapped in the lounge. The scratching of a quill against the paper reverbed in the room as the fire illuminated their faces. Theo lifted his body from reclining and put his arm across the chair.


Hermione didn't put the quill aside but grunted, and Theo took it as a signal to continue. His voice was unimaginably deep, and an unfamiliar look etched across his face - seriousness. He further sat upright and concentrated on the girl before him.

"I thought about what Zabini said and..."

"Zabini said a lot of things, Theo. Which weird assumption are you thinking about?" Hermione chuckled lightly. Theo's breath hitched, and mixed thoughts were drifting across his head. He decided it would be best to leave this conversation if he desired to doze tonight.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. Good night, Mione."

"Good night, Theo." Hermione looked up where Theo previously was, feeling confused. The joyful voice in Theo had gently subtle down. She hopes he's alright. She opened a letter right next to her from Ron. It was a howler. Figures, since Ron would do whatever to not write. The howler levitated in front of Hermione and communicated in a soft voice.

"Hey Mione, Ron here. Obviously, you knew that. I wanted to send you a letter but didn't feel like writing, so a howler instead. Smart, aren't I? Ginny and Harry are doing better. Mum's pretty happy abruptly after she received a ministry letter. Even Dad seemed stunningly ecstatic. When I asked them about it, they told me off. I hope you're doing wonderful, Mione. Do write back. Lots of Love!"

Hermione beamed as she gathered her things. She intended to send the letter to the Weasleys hereafter morning. She picked up her belongings and went into the seniors' dorm, used by her, Theo and Draco.

Theo turned around and snorted, "Poor weasel, can't even write."

Hermione suddenly stopped in her track as the sudden voice shocked her. She forgot to put the silencing charm in her surroundings.

Hermione scoffed, "You were listening to the howler?"

He smirked and imitated in a high-pitched voice, "I wanted to send you a letter but didn't feel like writing, so a howler instead. Anyways, go to sleep. Our mid-terms are starting in a week."

At dawn, the trio exited to have a hearty breakfast but were confronted by Blaise. He had a quarrel with Parkinson, so he self-invited himself to the Slytherin Table. Pansy was shooting the group distasteful glares from where she sat. Blaise had Draco engaged in eccentric tricks, so the other boy saw this as an opportunity. He delicately patted Hermione's arm and asked her to glide a little away from the duo.

"Ah! Theo, weren't you about to ask me something yesternight?"

Even though Theo and Hermione were whispering at the lowest possible amplitude, Blaise and Draco could (unfortunately) easily overhear them.

"Will you go out with me, Granger?"

Blaise slapped a hand to his mouth as he tried to contain his girlish squeals. The surrounding students had begun to stare at the senior, yet turned their sight away when they saw Draco emitting blood-red sparks around him.

"What the fuck are you doing, Zabini?"

Since they were too focused on their conversations, they didn't recall when Hermione and Nott left the hall. Draco needed to know her response. As Draco pulled Zabini's collar to get up, the other boy quickly stuffed a few chicken legs into his palm.

"Drake, slow down. The chicken's falling from my hands. I've dropped all of them," Zabini cried.Draco glared at Blaise, and blood-red sparks became much more apparent. Blaise shut his mouth and mentally checked to comply with Draco for now. The former boy pushed Zabini as he grunted and took off on his own. Blaise scrambled to get on his feet and tried to determine where Draco went. After a minute or so, he trusted his instincts and ran toward the Astronomy Tower.

As he climbed the stairs to the rooftop, he muttered a phrase to himself, "Why do I always do the same stupid things?" He reached the top, opened the door and was welcomed by the sight of Hermione and Theo sitting across each other. He glanced in the opposite direction and saw Draco striding towards the couple.

Theo muttered, "Shit. Mione, save me." He took off and stood behind the young woman. The blood-red sparks were heavily evident that further fueled Theo's fear. Hermione stood up and calmly extended her hands, "Malfoy, calm down."As soon as Hermione touched Draco's arm, Draco pulled her closer. He snaked his arm around her waist with his other hand and brushed away hair from the girl's face. He leaned in and kissed her, taking Hermione by stupefied. As the young Slytherin gasped, Draco deepened the kiss, leaving behind bewildered Blaise and Theo.

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