But what I really learned was that she was the girl for me.

We talked until we couldn't talk anymore. Then there was a silence. It wasn't awkward, it was comfortable. She curled up closer to me, burying her head in my chest. I held her in my arms, close to my heart.

I kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer.

She moved to look me in the eyes. I leaned closer to her, as she leaned closer to me. My eyes closed as I readied myself for her kiss...

A kiss that never came.

When I opened my eyes to look at her, I saw Liam, standing above me as I lay in bed.

I groaned and turned over, burying my face into my pillow, as a single tear escaped my eye.

"Niall, buddy, you have to get up. It's 10 in the morning. We have a signing to go to in Kings Cross in a few hours," Liam said. I rolled over and looked at him.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what?"

"Why couldn't you have waited a few more minutes? I was going to kiss her." I smashed my face back into the pillow.

"You dreamed about the girl again?" he asked. I nodded as best as I could with my face in a pillow.

"Mate, I'm sorry. I really am, but if you dreamed about her twice, you could dream about her again," he said. He was right. Even if I didn't get to kiss her tonight, I would probably get another chance.

I groaned and rolled out of bed, falling onto the floor.

"Ouch," I muttered as I stood up.

"You okay?" Liam asked. I just nodded at him and went to take a shower.


I opened my eyes to see my ceiling above me. Why did I have to wake up? I was going to kiss him!

I had another dream about Niall.

I was in the glen and I didn't see him, so I called out his name, asking if he was there. I turned and saw him running towards me, a humongous smile plastered across his face. I ran to him and he spun me around as we laughed.

"I thought I would never see you again," I told him, looking up.

"And I thought I would never see you again," he said. "But I'm glad we were both wrong." I smiled at him, glad that he thought that way.

"Me, too. I couldn't stop thinking about you," I admitted, blushing and looking down.

"I had you on my mind all day," he said, smiling at me. He was here. I got to see him another night. I was so happy.

"Jillian, I want to get to know you. All of you, everything about you." I stared at him for a few seconds before nodding.

We moved to the stream, laying down by its edge. He held onto my hand, as we talked for what seemed like hours. I learned a lot about him. Like that his favorite colors are blue and green. I learned he has an older brother named Greg. I learned that he can play guitar and that he likes to sing. I tried getting him to sing me something, but he said he would another time. I learned so much about him, but it wasn't enough.

The one thing I learned that I was certain of? He was the one for me. I knew this with all of my being, all of my body, mind, and soul.

We talked until we couldn't talk anymore, creating an easy silence. I curled up closer to him, burying my face into his chest. He smelled really good. He held me in his arms as I laid there, listening to his heartbeat.

He kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer.

I tilted my face upward to look him in those beautiful eyes. I leaned closer to him, as he leaned closer to me. My eyes closed as I readied myself for his kiss...

A kiss that never came because I woke up.


And today was Saturday, too. I had nothing to do today, as I have weekends off of work. Elizabeth said yesterday that she was going to be out somewhere with her boyfriend, so that left me alone.

I guess I could find something to do...

I did need new clothes. And we need food in the house.

I think I just found what I'm doing today. I'm going shopping! King's Cross here I come! I go there for all of my clothes shopping, so I would stop somewhere closer for food stuff on the way back.

Hmm... It's 10 now, I should probably leave around 10:30. That should give me enough time to get there, clothes shop, drive to another store for food, food shop, and drive home. If I'm lucky, I would be back by 6-ish in the afternoon.

I rolled out of bed, dropping to the floor to wake myself up completely, and stood up, grabbing my things for a quick shower.

The shower took ten minutes, since all I really had to do was wash my hair. I wrapped a towel around my head and walked out of the bathroom naked.

Elizabeth was already gone, so who cares if I'm naked when I'm alone? Not me.

Anyway, I grabbed underwear and some things out of my closet to wear, Aztec patterned leggings, jean shorts, an orange spaghetti strap top, and a purple knitted shall/jacket thing to go over it. I grabbed a pair of combat boots and skipped to the kitchen. Snatching an apple from the fridge, my purse off the counter, and my keys from the hook by the door, I left.

The drive took about an hour. I listened to music on the way and sang along to all the songs that I knew. That one song came on and I just sat there, as if in a trance, listening to the angelic voices.

I'm broken

Do you hear me?

I'm blinded

Cause you're the only thing I see.

I'm dancing


I'm praying

That your heart will just turn around...

Wow. These boys were really good. I just might have to look them up when I get home, I thought to myself.

I finally found a parking spot, there were so many cars. This place was packed like fish in a can. I could swear that every parking space was taken up. Hmm.. There must be a fancy shoe sale or something. Whatever.

I shrugged it off and walked to the entrance of the store. I paused as I saw a sign.


That must be the reason it was so busy... But who is this One Direction. They were obviously a band, but why haven't I heard of them if this place was so full? Eh, I don't really care.

I just need new clothes. Hopefully the store is still open...

This is my first story, and i would like to know how im doing on  it. Please send me feedback. Comment, message, vote? It would mean alot, thanks. :) Also, dont hesitate to talk to me. I'm a nice person and I like talking to people. :)

Dreams Do Come True (A One Direction FanFiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant