34 - Sacrifice vs. Genocide

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The heat was indescribable. Running from the explosion at the drop ship was one thing, but running into the flames here was an entirely different experience. All around me I could hear the screaming and crying of people trapped and dying. The heat in my face wasn't just from the fires, it was also in part due to the anger radiating through me at the fact that Clarke willingly let a bomb drop on these people - living, breathing people. It didn't matter what side they were on.

"Mira? Mira, oh thank God." Octavia gasped as I helped her off the ground.

"Where are the others?" I asked as we helped a grounder woman out from under a piece of metal.

I had no idea how many of our friends were here. She shrugged, wincing at the movement. We were both at a loss for words. I looked around at the wreckage straining my eyes through the smoke. A familiar face caught my eye and I grabbed Octavia's hand and pulled her around the burning object and fallen branches and unmoving bodies to the edge of the large crater left behind from the bomb.

"Lincoln please be careful!" Octavia called out as he balanced over the crater, calling out below.

"Mira, Octavia," Abby was breathless as she grabbed us by the shoulders. "Have you seen Clarke?"

"Abby what are you doing here? Does Clarke know you're here?" Octavia asked as she embraced the older woman.

My stomach dropped. There was no way Clarke knew. If she had then I wouldn't have been the one she pulled out before the bomb dropped.


Clarke was willing to let everyone else die...and as far as I knew she only pulled me out because both the Ark and the grounders listened to me...

Who's to say she wouldn't have let her mother die, too?

"Clarke's okay. Do you hear someone down there?" I called out to Lincoln.

He disappeared from view for a moment before he ran towards us with Indra in his arms. I let out a sigh of relied at seeing her face, and hearing her demand to be put down. I hadn't realized it until then, but Indra was one of our strongest allies. He set her down as I looked around us, both for friends and enemies alike.

"Mira, down!" Indra's voice was in my ear before I knew what was happening.

She pulled me to the side roughly as a bullet tore through the air and into her shoulder. We both hit the ground along with Octavia and Lincoln. I saw the top of Abby's head disappear down into the crater to find other survivors. She was too far to call out to with the destruction around us drowing everything out into a sea of noise. Nyko ducked down next to us just as another bullet ripped through the air, this time hitting a grounder in the head.

I hovered over Indra to shield her from anymore bullets as I wrapped part of my shirt around the wound, "The bleeding isn't stopping."

"We're trapped," Octavia said, fear in her voice as two more shots sounded off.

"Use the Sky people's leader to draw fire so we can move." Another grounder barked out, staring at me.

"We move now." Lincoln ignored the man as he picked Indra up and ran for the trees. "I'm going for the shooter. I'll sound the horn when it's done."

I tried to block out Octavia and Lincolns arguing as she insisted on following after him, but I glanced up and in just that split second I could see how deeply she cared about him.

"I'll go. I'll cover him, okay? You need to stay here with Nyko and help Indra. Do you understand?" She nodded her head slightly. I leaned closer to her, "I won't let anyone else die here."

Mira Murphy (b.b.) // The 100Where stories live. Discover now