"I know you're sorry Rohan but you shouldn't be . Love is not a crime. You should be happy that she loves you back and she's finally accepted it . You're lucky"

He truly was , unlike me. Sidharth probably has feelings for Jasmine and it stings even though it shouldn't. I can't despise somebody's feelings. Jasmine is a beautiful girl, perhaps fits his notions of love, is innocent and has the right to be loved. I can't hate her for that.

"Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt you shehnaaz. I swear .."

" Rohan, just go to her . Will you? You've apologised like a thousand times. Geez. Just go already . Okay?"

" You.. you're okay with that?" And I chuckle at his perplexity.

" Why wouldn't I be, unless you plan to leave me here alone , again. I don't have a ride back , alright! Just drop me home" I roll my eyes dramatically and he giggles admist tears.

Rohanpreet hugs me tight and I feel the crook of my neck getting wet. I pat his back , assuring him that it's okay. That I'm happy he's finally found love.

"C'mon .. I gotta sleep too Rohan. I am sure Natasha won't like you hanging onto some other woman's shoulder" I tease him and laugh out when he jerks away from me.

" Yeah right. Let's go"

It is late evening, the orange hue of setting sun has long drowned in the night and I , have decided to go for a walk in my baggy sweatshirt and pajamas , not caring if I look ridiculous with my two ponytails. The surroundings are silent and somewhat comforting but my chest feels constrained. Fresh air fills my nostrils, I exhale a long breath and sigh. I broke up with Rohanpreet two days ago ( two days and one night to be precise ) and I feel so happy for my friend who's been nothing but supportive. My hands wrap around my arms , rubbing up and down to save myself from the chills my body has been suffering.

This breakup did not affect me as much as the ones in the past did. In fact I felt light in that matter . My decision of a second chance was right , but may be it was too soon . May be I made a hasty decision. There's a void in my heart because my hope of a 'may be' obliterated. I wonder if I ever will be over Sidharth . Sidharth , who in the past two days have called me numerous times , knocked on my door countless times during night time and returned without meeting me. Sidharth, who had been texting me like a maniac from the time I have the party hastily.

Sana , Kya hua? Why did you leave abruptly. All okay?
- Sidharth

Shehnaaz , please tell me what's wrong. I'm worried sick bacha.
- Sidharth

Answer my damn calls Shehnaaz. I'll fucking break your door the next time.
- Sidharth

Please Shehnaaz , I want to know why are you avoiding me baby.
- Sidharth.
Read the latest text message from him and shut my phone without giving him a reply.

I don't know why does he even bothers this much.

"I think I should have waited shehnaaz. I did it in haste. And I'm so happy right now I can't even explain" Rohan had said over the call when we talked the other day, I could hear a woman's laugh from the background, that would be Natasha . I smiled in hours that time. But that faltered as soon as I hung up. He was lucky he got what he wanted , even if he thinks he should have waited.

But what does she do? When friend zoned you some either wait and some let it go , forget it. But it hurts the most when you don't know what you're supposed to do- either wait to forget. I knew I can't forget Sidharth this early even if I want to. He's much too precious and wait? I don't know about that either. He had a settled career, Jasmine as a probable girlfriend and extremely loving mother.
Why would he want to be with someone like me who had everything 'extra' .

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