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Taeyong's sweat trickled down his back as he rushed towards his homeroom in the modern building upstairs. He couldn't be late on the first day of school, especially on his first day at his new school. He didn't want to make a bad impression on his teacher and students. Taeyong rushed as his classroom came to his view, he suddenly slipped on his shoelace. Taeyong closed his eyes in horror expecting a harsh landing, but he felt soft arms that wrapped around him. As he slowly opened his eyes, he faced the most elegant face that he has ever witnessed in his entire life.

Taeyong locked eyes with the man and he was instantly in awe of his beauty. A comfortable silence was brought upon them but realisation suddenly struck Taeyong as he realised that he was still wrapped in the arms of this ethereal being. He promptly pushed his body away from the man and dashed off towards the direction of his classroom. Taeyong's cheeks flushed bright red, as he entered his classroom. As he opened the door, the room went silent. He saw that the homeroom teacher was expecting him as she smiled warmly.

"Welcome Taeyong, I have been expecting you," Mrs Yoon said in a calming tone.

Taeyong just smiled awkwardly as he stood in front of his classmates' curious stares. A loud knock interrupted them as a man, the man whose hands that had previously been wrapped around his body waltzed in the classroom.

"Oh Jaehyun, good timing your seat is at the back of the classroom." Mrs Yoon said

Jaehyun just nodded and headed towards his seat in the back. Taeyong looked at the back of his black coloured hair. 'His name is Jaehyun, even the back of his head is attractive', Taeyong thought. Mrs Yoon looked at Taeyong and just pointed out where his seat was, which was in the front of the classroom. 'Great', Taeyong said to himself. Taeyong walked towards his seat and sat down quietly not wanting to bring any more attention towards himself. Mrs Yoon started her miniature lecture about the school rules to everyone as there were a few minutes till the bells ring for period one. Taeyong sighed, looking at the clock above the board, waiting for the time to slowly go by.

When the bell rang, Taeyong took out his timetable to check what subject he had first. Taeyong angrily puffed as he saw that chemistry was his first subject of the day, as it was his least favourite subject. Walking slowly towards the unknown classroom, Taeyong felt a soft tap on his shoulder. As he turned his body to find the source of the tap, he noticed a foreign-looking boy that was roughly the same height as him.

"Hey, are you lost, I can help you?" The boy said smiling.

Taeyong stayed quiet. The anxiety slowly took over him as he stared right into the boy's black eyes.

"Okay....uh my name is Chittaphon but just call me Ten it's easier for most people," Ten said, who was oblivious to Taeyong's unease.  

Taeyong still hadn't said anything and only then did Ten get the idea that this boy may not like talking. Ten gently grabbed Taeyong's timetable out of his hand and smiled when he looked at it.

"Okay, so we have Chem together with Miss Song, she's a great teacher but hates when students are late so we better get going," Ten said while grabbing Taeyong's hand. 

The two boys ran, bumping into many people to reach the chemistry labs, hoping they wouldn't be late. The two young men reached the lab and saw that Miss Song still hadn't started her lesson and both boys sighed in relief.

Ten and Taeyong quietly sat at the back of the classroom hoping that the teacher hadn't planned any seating arrangements. Miss Song got off her laptop and started her lesson. Ten turned to look at Taeyong and said

"You should come and sit with my group at lunch. We usually sit at the back of the cafeteria away from the irritating popular kids"

Taeyong just nodded at that and finally gave Ten a soft smile, wanting to make friends so that he wouldn't be alone.


The day passed and lunch came way too quickly. Taeyong couldn't get over the fact that there are people that are dumb enough to not know about Hitler's existence during the group discussion in his modern history class. He can't believe he got a scholarship to this prestige school, that is filled with the most idiotic kids in the city. 'Rich kids don't need to study, they have their parents' money and empires that they will run one day', Taeyong thought.

Taeyong hurriedly rushed to the back of the cafeteria, searching for Ten and his group. Then a certain boy started to wave in his direction, it was Ten waving and smiling at Taeyong, encouraging him to go over to him. Taeyong headed towards the table, with a small smile plastered on his face.

"Taeyong, I thought you got lost for a moment, anyways this is my little group", as he gestured to the people who sat at the table, looking his way. "So, this is Sooyoung, Wendy, Yeri, Jungwoo and Mark," Ten introduced while looking at Taeyong's direction.

"Guys, this is Taeyong, he is new here", Ten said looking in the direction of his friends.

Taeyong sat awkwardly, letting out a small hello and avoiding any attention, it was too much for him, the pressure. A notification sounded, Taeyong looked around the table shyly and saw that Sooyoung had got a message.

Sooyoung slowly turned to face Taeyong as said in a soft voice, "Hey, so Seulgi, a student here, is throwing a birthday party next month. She's going to send out invitations soon. So maybe I can ask her to send an invitation to you."

"Oh that's sick is Seulgi going to invite me to her party", Mark interrupted.

"Probably not Mark, maybe if you stop hitting on her younger brother then maybe, but at present the possibility is slim". Yeri said while laughing.

Mark just groaned in his seat as the rest just laughed at him, even Taeyong let out a soft chuckle, 'maybe I can finally get over my fears with this group', Taeyong thought to himself. 


Taeyong waited at the bus stop, while the rest of his peers had either an expensive car or were picked up by their parent's chauffeur.

Taeyong looked at his phone to distract himself til time passed by when a black Mercedes Benz came to his view. Taeyong curiously looked at the tinted window of the car, when the window rolled down. 

Jaehyun was gently smiling at Taeyong's direction. He motioned Taeyong to come closer but Taeyong stayed still, almost not daring to take a breath as this beautiful man that was looking at him again. It took Taeyong a second to understand that Jaehyun wanted to talk to him. Taeyong got up from his seat and slowly dragged his feet towards Jaehyun's car when Jaehyun got out of his car and looked at Taeyong.

"Hey, um you dropped your bracelet when we had you know.." Jaehyun started to cough awkwardly.

Taeyong looked at his silver bracelet that was in Jaehyun's pale hands, he looked at his wrist realising only then that his bracelet was missing. He harshly grabbed the precious bracelet off Jaehyun's hand and muttered a quick thank you without making any eye contact. He quickly dashed back to the bus stop and hoped that the bus would come at any second.

He silently sat there and Jaehyun still hadn't left, he just stared straight at Taeyong and he started to feel uncomfortable. Jaehyun hesitantly built up the courage to ask Taeyong the question that lingered in his mind.

"Hey, do you need a ride home?"


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