One Order

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If looks could kill, Kylo Ren's gaze was genocide.

Like lightning itself, he caught you and dove behind one of the tombs, more bullets pinging off the marble. His face was tight, chin quaking while he shoved your back to the grave, staring into your wound as if it were a canyon. Pain still dulled by adrenaline, you watched him, fighting to focus on your breath--you'd started shaking, too, mind hijacked by shock and terror. You didn't know how much you were bleeding. You didn't want to look.

Kylo glanced up--his eyes caught something, or someone--and he turned back to you, swallowing as he snagged the bottom of your nightgown and rended it with bare fists. He shredded a thin strip of cloth from your skirt and lifted your arm, wrapping it above your wound. You whimpered, heaving with panic, but he was quick, his makeshift tourniquet halting the frightened ache as it stymied the bloodflow.

"Is it bad?" you asked.

His gaze flicked beyond you again. "Quiet."

While crouched, his hand snuck into his jacket, clicking the safety of his gun and cocking the hammer. He stilled, tracking his target--you held your breath--before rising and popping off a single shot. Behind you, a cry of pain, and Kylo lunged, jumping the tomb, stalking through the grass. You spun to watch, clutching your arm to your side.

The gunman had fallen to the ground, groaning as Kylo approached, a hunter seeking his spoils. Though he was meters away, collapsed at the edge of the clearing--perhaps that meant, mercifully, he'd missed the desecration of the dead--you could tell he was wearing an Angel's uniform. Your Commander snatched the intruder by the helmet and tore it off, wrenching him up, and slammed his skull against a headstone, gun at his head.


The man wheezed, wriggling in Kylo's grip, who whacked his temple on the grave, sneering, his self-control whittling by the nanomoment.

"Two seconds."

"I'm a scout!" He seethed, trying to twist to meet Kylo's eyes. "I'm a scout, I'm--please don't kill me--"

Kylo bashed him with the butt of the pistol. "Who."

"Enric Pryde!" His hands went up in deference. "It's a bunch of his men coming. They said you'd be here with a Handmaid." He gasped, shaking his head. "It's a coup, they want you dead or alive!"

A pause. Your Commander was still, frozen in rage.

"Please, let me go, I'm only a scout, I was told to find you!" The soldier was still turning, pleading for mercy. "I, I mean, personally, I would never try to hurt you, sir, but I saw th-the Handmaid, and I didn't think you'd, you'd care, she's just a Handmaid and we were told to kill her anyway--"

Kylo swiveled the man's head, drove his teeth against the edge of the grave and snarled, stomping his skull into the stone. A sharp crack as his jaw snapped, brain crushed to the granite, limbs limp and eyes bulging from their sockets. Face blank, Kylo ground his heel into the man's scalp, splintering the bones and spilling blood onto the dirt before throwing the body to the side like trash.

Your hand clapped your mouth, jaw dropped, and he marched over, a silhouette of death in the storm, lodging your heart in your throat. When he reached you, he squatted, examining your arm, raising it in his hand and eliciting a wince while he monitored your movement. His jaw stiffened, his eyes met yours, so furious that the air fled your lungs, and before you could speak, he gathered you and threw you over his shoulder.

"They're coming," he said. "Don't move."

Trembling, you nodded. "O-okay."

His body was solid, and you let yourself hang, at first lifting your head to watch your surroundings, then rejecting the neck strain. If this man wasn't the same one who had just coddled you in the downpour, the same one who'd whispered angel into your ear when he made you cum, you would've been horrified, striving to escape. But as he strode forward, and you watched his parents' gravesite grow distant, you felt like a child--one who, instead of fearing the monster under her bed, had invited him inside of it and sought safety in his embrace.

Little Bird (Kylo Ren x Reader AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora