Team Up

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The rest of the house was surprisingly plain, considering its underbelly. Rey and Finn slept on the second floor, and Poe, as their driver, had an adjoining room on the first floor. The facade was one of a normal, functioning Gilead household, with Angel, Wife, and their help all existing in perfect harmony. Part of you wanted to know more about Finn and Rey's marriage--did they love each other, was it arranged, how had they managed to create the Resistance--but you couldn't think of a polite way to ask.

Perhaps that was more conditioning. You couldn't remember if questions like that had appeared unimportant before Gilead.

"Anyway, that's all for the house," Rey said. "You'll likely only be here a few days, but we think it's important you know where everything is, should anything happen."

You blinked. "Happen?"

She waved her hands dismissively. "Not that anything has! Or that we expect it to. But it's better to be prepared."

Somehow, this did little to ease your nerves. The reality of being involved with a treasonous group of rebels was starting to settle. Of course you could never be a spy for them. You were trying to save your life. You'd done enough risking it at the end of Kylo Ren's cock.

Rey led you back through the den, a large room lit with tall, dim lamps and a crackling fire. Bookcases packed tight with spines adorned each wall, reaching the ceiling, and a couple of massive leather sofas framed a heavy, carved coffee table at the center. The hardwood gleamed at your feet, reflecting the flames from the fireplace. Rey trudged forward, heading toward the hearth.

"This is a little cliche, I know," she said. "But we couldn't think of a better deterrent than fire."

She pulled a brick out from the side of the fireplace and tugged out a pair of thick, black gloves that went up to her elbows. After pulling them on, to your horror, she reached into the fire, digging into the logs, and yanked at a lever. Nothing happened. But she didn't seem deterred. Next, she tore away the thick, Persian rug at the foot of the hearth, pushing back one of the slats of hardwood and using it like a handle, wrenching open a rectangular slab of wood, wisps of smoke escaping as she revealed another hidden entrance.

You shrugged, heart skipping again. "You guys have a lot of these, huh."

Rey smiled, replacing the gloves in the brick. "Just these two. This is the more important one, though. Come on!"

With quick feet, she disappeared down the tiny staircase, the walls closing even tighter than the ones before, compressing your frame like a compactor. You weren't as fast, surveying your path, noticing the open grate in the ceiling that hung under where the fireplace was positioned. The air was stifling, almost woolen.

"When the grate is open, it becomes pretty much impossible to breathe." Rey was at an iron door at the end of the staircase, now, spinning the combination lock above the handle. "We hope that in the event of an emergency, it would give enough time to allow for evacuation."

Swallowing, you nodded, as if you wanted to be worrying about an emergency. Then again, your entire life had been an emergency for the past few years. What did the change of scenery really matter? The lock clicked, and the door opened. Rey waved you on. Holding your breath, you snuck down with your skirts bunched above your ankles, crossing the threshold and into a cooler, open room. She followed, and the door clamped shut behind you.

In front of you was another area illuminated with the same battery tap lights as you'd seen in their war room, accompanied with those similar eggshell crates. Beds lined the walls, some of them occupied, others barren. At the end of the room was a closed door, light peeking out from the frame. As you glanced around the space, each time a pair of eyes landed on you, shame leapt from inside your chest and swallowed you whole. You counted three strangers corralled here, total, all dressed in sweatshirts and jeans that looked about a decade old. And inside the gazes of these strangers, you saw yourself: terrified. Desperate. Alone.

Little Bird (Kylo Ren x Reader AU)Where stories live. Discover now