Without the Flowers

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Nighttime turned the garden ethereal. Soft, inky grass swallowed your footsteps as you made your way to the bench. When your shoes scraped the stone, you winced, casting your eyes around the yard, but saw only bushes, flowers, and the pond, all bleached in starlight. There was no one to hear you but God. Hopefully, he didn't think as poorly of yourself as you did.

You pulled your arms tight to your body, sinking onto the bench and dropping your chin to your chest. It had been stupid to wear the wings and gloves, as if getting caught while in uniform would spare you a punishment. You weren't supposed to be out at all--but you figured that without modesty, your intentions could appear far less innocent. For now, you were here because your Commander ordered you. For now, you were safe.

A sound to your left, and your head spun--Ren was crossing the path to you, his hands in pockets, his shoes casual, his shirt unbuttoned. Again. You pinned your lips between your teeth, ignoring the heat rushing through your body. Cool air whispered over your face. Stillness stole your lungs. Your Commander met you in a few easy strides, and when his gaze found yours, you looked to your hands. You hated being at his mercy.

"Come." His voice was quiet. "Let us walk."

Nodding, you stood, keeping your eyes to the ground while you trailed at his heels. Blood warmed your cheeks, anticipation thrumming in your heart. There was an unspoken expectation that you would have sex--but the thought of being physically intimate out here, under the eyes of the sky, constricted your throat. His gait was methodical, leading you like a man leads a dog, confident in your loyalty. He walked you past the pond, into the gardens beyond it, into the rows of tall grasses and spiral topiaries obscuring you to the windows of the first floor. You peeked over your shoulder, twisting your head to catch the tiny glass ring of your room--perhaps the only thing in this place that betrayed your existence.

If you died here, no one would know you'd tread these gardens at all.

You followed him as he crossed from the stone path into the grass, stopping there, staring out over the empty, dark lawn. Crickets chirped at his approach, the frenzy of their song surrounding you. If only the moon were full. It would have made this far less disconcerting. You wanted to speak--say anything, demand anything. But nothing came.

"No Handmaid has ever talked to Johana that way before," he said, and you stiffened, clasping your hands together. "It poses a problem for me."

"Why?" you said. "Because she talks to you about it?"

"No." He turned to face you, but you kept your stare leveled at your feet. "Because she talks to you."

Your brows raised. "Oh."

Ren stepped toward you. "Look at me."

Face hot, you did.

"I know my Wife." He stepped closer, examining your face. "I don't know you."

Words failed to leave you. Instead, your stare locked with his, each of you studying the other as the stars cycled overhead. If breath left you, you missed it--you watched him watch you, watched him scrutinize every detail of your face, and watched him lose himself, for the briefest moments, as he did. He broke the spell, looking beyond you, at his home.

"I'd like to."

You blinked. "You'd like to what?"

"Know you." He met your gaze again.

Before you could stop yourself, you frowned. "Why?"

"Hm." Ren failed hiding a smirk. "You aren't stupid. I know this much." When you didn't respond, he continued. "You've heard of the phrase know thy enemy?"

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