Northern Water Tribe

Start from the beginning

"I don't even want you as my prisoner. Death isn't to good for you. I hope you freeze to death."

Zhao slung my small body of the moving ship and my body made hard contact with the freezing water. I looked up at the huge ship and saw Iroh looking down at the water where I was. He pointed towards a small bit of ice and I started racing there.

Once I was there I made a fire in my hand and moved it around my body until I was dry. I was still freezing tho. There was no wood to make a fire with so I just sat there in the cold using my fire bending to keep my hands warm. Curling up in a ball I rubbed my heated hands against my leg. Just trying to stay alive for now.

My body started feeling numb where my hands couldn't warm them. I used almost all my energy fighting Zhao so I didn't even have the energy to make my whole body warm. Instead I used my dress to make a fire. Leaving me in thin soft tight pants and a chest wrap. I used up all my energy to make a blue fire which actually lasted longer than you think.

I kept my body in a tight ball sitting extremely close to my fire.

"Dude come check this out! It's a girl!"

I listened to some guy walk about ten feet from me. I didn't move cause there was no point. I couldn't fight no matter how hard I wanted to. I was so cold and tired.

"She's fire nation! Look at her red clothes...or what's left of them. We should leave her to die!"

"What! She's just a child!"

"So. The fire nation is full of nothing but tyrants and murders!"

"Look we can lock her up or something but I can't just leave her here. She'll die. She can be older than 13."

I'm 15 you dumb ass. In all honesty though I half expected them to leave me. I knew they were right. All fire nation are bad.

"Let's just take her with us and see what the chief has to say."

The other man groaned. My hair was long enough that they wouldn't see my back or any other part of my body in my little ball. They didn't see my burn ankle cause they weren't close enough to me yet and they couldn't see the burn on my back and chest.

The one who wanted to take me to the chief stepped up to me first. I could tell he was kind of cautious walking up to me. Everyone hates fire nation.

"Common. Let's get you out of this whether."

He was more talking to himself but he broke my little ball by carrying me bridal style to a small canoe like thing.

"How'd you burn your ankle?"

I still kept my body all pulled together. Not quiet a ball but I kept my knees close to my chest. When the man tried talking to me I just looked down in my lap where my hands were.

Suddenly his coat was around my body. Even without his coat his attire was warm since he was dressed for freezing whether.

"Ok...well how about your name?"

He was trying to be nice and I appreciated that but I don't need him feeling bad for me. Even still...


I said just above a whisper.

"Well kai I promise your ok now."

How can he promise that. He was about to take me somewhere that held people who would kill me without a second thought.

"I still think we should of left her. She's not a small child so she's probably already been taught to kill. Fire nation is still fire nation."

He was right. I could kill without thinking twice. I'll just leave it be for now.

Pretty Little Fire BenderWhere stories live. Discover now