(5) Dance With Me

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                                                                               ~Noctis x reader~

You paused for a moment as you made sure that the poster you were currently reading was indeed correct. Glancing over it one more time, you read it clearly. The King was going to throw a ball for the whole kingdom tomorrow night in order to ease everyone's mind about the war happening just outside the city limits. This surprised you greatly since it could only mean one thing for you and that it was going to be a long day at work. Such as being assigned guard duty. You shivered at the thought of standing still for hours on end watching people have a good time. That's what you thought would happen until Captain Titus called for everyone to be in the briefing room.

"You are to have today and tomorrow off. Orders from the King," he said. The room froze with shock as glances were exchanged. You looked at Crowe who stood beside you as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Is there a reason for this, Sir?" someone asked. The Captain stared at him for a moment before deciding to answer.

"In case you didn't know, His Majesty is holding a ball in which everyone is to attend. That includes all of you. So, take today and tomorrow, but be prepared for afterward. You're all dismissed." he said then started walking away before he almost forgot an important piece of information.

"Oh, it's also going to be a masquerade ball. Masks are being sent to your homes as we speak. That's all I wish to say." he finished then disappeared from sight. You and the other Glaives stood for a moment before breaking off to head home. Then Crowe jumped at you and wrapped her arm around your neck.

"Are you heading to the ball tomorrow night, (y/n)?" she asked with a gleam in her eyes. You shrugged your shoulders. In all honesty, you could think of better things to do instead of going to some dance.

"Not really thinking about going. I could catch up on sleep, watch a movie, - ." you started to say, but was quickly cut off by the excited female.

"Oh no, you won't! You're coming with me to the dance and having a good time!" Crowe declared.

"I didn't think you two were into that kind of thing." a voice said from behind you. You looked over your shoulder to see Nyx standing there with Libertus just a foot behind him.

"A girl can have a good time every once in a while. Is that so bad?" she questioned.

"Hey, I didn't mean any harm. So, are you actually going?" Nyx asked, but it looked more directed at you. You shrugged your shoulders once more. Crowe quickly intervened and pulled you closer to her.

"Of course she's going! And she'll be the jewel of the evening. I bet even the Prince would forget how to breathe." she said with a wink. You felt your cheeks heat up at what she was trying to do. It was obvious you had a small crush on the Prince of Insomnia, but most girls did and it was only a small crush. Just a small celebrity crush. But, Crowe knew that you also had an interest in Nyx. And the same worked for him.

"Crowe," you said through gritted teeth feeling as though your greatest secrets were being revealed. She only chuckled then pulled you along towards the exit.

"See ya later boys!" she shouted over her shoulder leaving them behind. You rolled your eyes then peeked over your shoulder to see Nyx give a small wave goodbye. As quickly as you could, you returned it before he was out of your sight.

"Alright, time for some girl time!" Crowe decreed causing you to laugh. It was going to be a long day.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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