Chapter 5- Dr. Slayder

Start from the beginning

"Yes" I reply and I can almost hear his smile through the phone as he answers me. 

"Great! I love you D." He says his tone infectious that I find myself smiling. 

"Right back at you L." 

As soon as I'm off the phone with him I take out Dr. O'Conner's card, staring intently at the scribbled handwriting on the back. Could I really do this? Emotionally rely on a stranger? God I wanted to. For years I've led this secret life that if found out would put the lead singer of Kiss's numbers to shame. Yet I hesitate because in this path of recovery, with my wedding a year away, could I really survive a sexless marriage faithfully? I knew that was the point of going to Dr. O'Conner but didn't every human being need sex? Yes I was abnormal and needed more than others it seems but was what Laurence doing even healthy?

Again more unanswered question and I had no desire to discuss them with Dr. O'Conner. If I didn't even have the courage to confront Laurence I didn't think I could honestly demanded the answers from the doctor. Taking a deep breath I pulled out my way to fancy Iphone. A gift from Laurence on my birthday when what I could have used was a good fuckathon. I pressed in his number, almost mentally praying he wouldn't answer, before dialing. 

"Hello" Came the strained voice at the other end of the line. I don't know why, okay well I kind of do, but suddenly I felt myself grow wet. Maybe it was the fact that he sounded like he was about to cumshot all over some slut's breasts, or his loving wife. 

"Dr. O'Conner?" I ask softly, suddenly imagining him pumping his meat up in down with his left hand.

"Speaking" He replies gruffly and then I'm suddenly sure that I disrupted him. I almost don't want to continue the call. 

"It's Jane Danielson" I say telling him my false name and waited. And waited. I don't know if the good doctor was even aware of the call with how quiet he was being.

"Jane?" He finally questions his voice laced with curiousty and shock, all previous gruffness gone and I begin to also wonder if he stepped out of the room because the only thing I hear in the backround is silence. 

"Yea it's me doc." I confirm.

"Wow what a surprise." He pauses, "Is there something the matter? Are you having an urge? What can I do to help?" He asks in a worried tone and I was almost tempted to reply with 'your dick buried deep in my pussy' but I refrained. 

"No and yes. I'm not having another urge because I already satisfied myself with someone today and that's what's the matter with me."

"Oh Jane." He sighed with just a hint of disappointment. I wanted to cry and be angry at the same time. What gave him the right to judege me? "I'm so sorry Jane I really failed you" My mind went blank with that comment. He thinks he failed me? He's not disappointed in me?

"You didn't fail me." I whisper.

"Yes I did. I knew that your persona had come out and that we left the session on a sour note but I didn't stop you or try to resolve the situation. I'm really truly sorry"

"It's fine O'Conner don't worry about it" I quickly reply, his apology already making me feel uncomfortable. "The reason why I called you is because I really needed to talk to someone. I feel like I'm going to give in tonight, especially if I have to share the same bed with him."

"You guys don't share the same bed?" He asks me in an incredulous tone and I almost want to cringe.

"Not anymore, or should I say not often."

"Okay I'm getting dressed where should I meet you?"

"Um how bout the late night coffee shop that's on 3rd street in downtown, if you're close by"

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