...A New Start...

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(Smg3's POV)

A new day, a new start..
I Finally gotten what I wanted in life ever sense the explosion incident.
No enemies. Smg4 is.. sorta a friend, I just don't fully trust him.. Or any other in that case. Slg4 is dead, I got over it.. It's been 6 years..
6 YEARS, Of loneliness. Smg4 still doesn't know who I truly am, That's fine. I don't want him to, The others still don't trust me, that's ok.

'Nobody cares about you'
They do now.
'i hate you.'
I still care..
'you're nothing.'
I Still got back up.
'i'm Sorry..'
I Am.

A New beginning.
It's been a journey...


{Hey, author here. I decided to discontinue this. Someday I will or could make this again. Heeeyy.. Don't be sad.}

{I hate to see you like this.}

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