Nursery Schooling

Start from the beginning

"Now, as a baby doll, you are to learn innocence, dependence, and fair play, among other things. You will also learn how to encourage children and teach them these important things." She wrote a list on the board:








Social Skills



Lou swallowed hard. That was a lot.

Wait, why was he nervous? He'd be fine. He didn't even belong here anyway.

"This'll be easy." he thought. 'I'll blow right through these classes, and be done with it."

"For some," Mrs. Esme continued, "It will take longer than others. But fear not, for Miss Love, and myself, do not wish to see any of you rejected, and we will take you there!" There was a round of applause.

"If you do not learn these basic skills, much less, how to teach them," Mrs. Esme warned, "You will not be permitted to the Big World. I hope that alone is enough to motivate you." she put her chalk away. "Classes start tomorrow. Until then, you will settle into your dorms, and receive a visual tour of the Daycare." The baby dolls instinctively got up, and toddled into their bassinets, while caregivers cooed over them. Lou was abut to do so, when Mrs. Esme called out; "Lou, come here."

He turned, and waddled toward the stage. His diaper was about five or six inches thick, forcing his legs apart, and preventing faster, normal movement. He took two minutes to get there, but Mrs. Esme didn't seem to mind.

"I'm sire you don't remember me, Lou." She stated calmly, "But I remember that, once upon a time, you were a very sweet baby. I'm very disappointed in you, but rest assured: we will do everything in our power to bring back the baby doll that was once there." She made it sound like a threat. "You never belong in Perfection anyway." She coldly stated, before leaving.

Upon entering his dorm, Lou realized how serious the situation was. He was being reformed. Remodeled. Whatever! he was trapped, until they could mold him into someone else entirely.

'At least no one else is around to see this.' he consoled himself, picking up the Guidebook.

Dress Code:

Students may not be seen without their diaper.

Student must have pacifier on neck clip at all times. You may put it in yourself, but only caregivers can take it out.

Students must always have mittens on hands, or in baby bag.

Bonnets must be on heads or in baby bag.

Other clothes will be decided by assigned caregivers.

One refraction will mean a talk with the headmistress/assistant headmistress.

Two will mean a time-out.

Three will lead to a spanking.

4+ will mean a punishment decided by authorities.

Must have:

Students must have these items present at all times:







Baby powder.

Baby oil.

Rash cream.

At least eight spare diapers.

Baby wipes.

Chane of clothes.


Spare pacifier.


Restrooms are for caregivers/toddler level dolls only.

Be kind.

Be fair.

No hitting.

No injuring another.

Always obey the teacher/caregiver present.

No profanity.

Use your diaper.

Do your work.

Keep your work space clean and tidy, unless given special permission to make a mess.

Only speak when spoken to, or asked to speak.

Never talk back to an adult.

No being mean.

If you cry or throw a temper tantrum, you will be taken to a calm down spot, where you will be comforted, cared for, or punished, depending on the situation.

Respect others.

Be polite.

The rules went n for a few more ages. Lou dropped the book onto his bed after finally reading them all. This was going to be a long day.

Security was tight. He had no choice but to hope for an out during class. Or, maybe they would take pity on him, or come to their sense, and realize he didn't belong here.

His dorm was basically a nursery. His walls were baby blue, with pink and lavender accents. They were decorated with paintings, such as birds, creatures, caterpillars, etc. And some posters.

There was a white crib with a mobile, a bookshelf full of textbooks to study, and brightly colored storybooks. A changing table was leaning against one wall, and a blue duffel bag, presumably the baby bag, hung from what looked like a coat rack. There was a white rocking chair with padding, and the walls were padded three feet up, to prevent injury. The closet doors were white, and had smiling teddy bear heads for knobs. Inside, there was a babyish wardrobe, and a baby monitor rested on the side table. The floor was padded white, with a multi-colored rug on it, and there was a pile of stuffed animals in the corner waiting for him. There were more toys in the closet, and his blanket and toy, which he received in the system, were already in his crib.

His schedule was on his pillow. Lou unfolded it, and gave it a scan.

Wake up at 7:30.

Be in first class by eight. Caregivers will see to it, that you are on time.

Class 1: Social Skills, with Mr. Olive and Mrs. Bell.

Class 2: Innocence, with Ms. Rose.

Class 3: Age Regression, with Mrs. Shannon.

Lunch time, followed by nap time.

Class 4: Talent, with Ms. Trinket.

Class 5: Academics skills, with Mrs. Sonrise, and Mrs. Hills

Class 6: Playgroup, with Mrs. Linny

Class 7: Role Play, with Ms. Nettle.

Lou sighed, and flopped onto his bed. He stared at the pink fan on the ceiling, decorated with multi-colored butterflies. This was...indescribable.

His mobile, with little plastic fairy tale trinkets dangling from it, stared back down at him.

Just brilliant.

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