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Lou plummeted for what felt like hours [in reality, it was only about thirty seconds] his head full of thoughts.

This was their fault. They had forced him. Now, his biggest secret was revealed.

For a doll, especially a doll like him, there was no greater pain than being a prototype, especially a prototype for a baby doll.

When he was created, he was supposed to show how all other baby dolls' should look. But, after a while, it became clear that wasn't working out. He looked much to...good to be a baby doll. So, the factory robots sent him to newer doll types, to guide them through, and make sure they were ready for the Big World. At first, Lou didn't much mind. He was just glad to be out of that nursery. Booooor-ing!

It had been okay, at first-until he wondered: why couldn't he go to the Big World? He was just as much doll as any other, right?

Wrong. The robots just had to put a damper on that.

Lou's thoughts seemed to make time slow, so he entertained himself by imagining horrible revenges fantasies to put those Ugly Dolls through. No one could take a hint these days. They just had to be there.

Lou was jolted from his thoughts with a thump. He felt himself beginning to move. He was on the slide, surrounded by countless dolls from each Type. His slide was also occupied by UN-individualized dolls.

he ducked to avoid getting hit on the head by another slide running over them, and watched with wide eyes. The reality started to set in. He was being remodeled.

The slide for Doll Type 6 ran straight for a moment, before heading left. So sharp was the turn, Lou almost got flung off. At this point, that would be awesome, just to avoid his fate, but he didn't even know if there was a bottom to this place.

Doll Type 6 slid into what looked like some sort of tunnel. Old memories twitched in Lou's mind, but he couldn't fully recall.

Once in the tunnel, they were plunged into darkness...for about ten seconds.

Lou's eyes scrunched up upon being exposed to the extreme amount of light, and the explosion of color. This place was full of bright colors, and nursery music played overhead.

"Welcome, Doll Type 6." A robotic female voice played over the loud speaker. Incredibly life-like robots appeared, looking so much like humans, Lou did a double-take. Then, he remembered the robots here looked that way to appease the baby dolls, and prepare them for the Big World, seeing as they were not as mature as grown dolls.

"Please, keep hands and feet inside the crate at all times." Lou noticed dolls were falling off of the slide, and into their own, individual bassinets, to be lifted onto a conveyor belt. His stomach lurched, and he adjusted himself to leap away.

"Lou," the voice called out, "Remain seated." Clearly, the personal here had been notified of his arrival.

'Once  leader,' Lou mentally grumbled, 'and now forced to obey juvenile rules.'

He ignored the voice, even though something inside him was fiercely telling him not to, and made a move to jump.

But, he didn't account for how big the basket was going to be. It was about the size of a human shoe box, and full of soft white bedding, complete with lacey sheets, and lace around the pillow. A mobile hung over his head, and played a tune that was so calming, he almost felt hypnotized. it sported a smiling sunshine, a heart, a star, and a bunch of other junk Lou didn't bother to take note of.

The mobile calmed to other little dolls as they went through the Individualization system. Instead of fussing, they laid there obediently, staring up at the mobile, entranced by it's melody. Lou channeled his energy into looking for an escape, determined not to fall into the same trap.

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