Nursery Schooling

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Lou didn't even try to undo the changes. He knew it would be pointless. His hands, encased in mittens, were rendered useless, and even if they weren't. it would probably just be changed back, anyway.

After getting his hair and make-up done, his bassinet was wheeled toward a group of desks, which looked suspiciously like the class he used to hold. Instead of Pretty Dolls here, though, it was made up of baby dolls. They were all babbling gibberish, and tossing things at one another. He felt repulsed being here.

He couldn't believe this was his place of origin.

The bassinets seemed to be automatically programmed to take baby dolls wherever they needed to go. Lou tried to hop out, but his bassinet stopped, and scooped him back up the minute he was on the ground. To make matters worse, he was strapped into a baby chair at his desk, seeing as he was 'an escape-artist.'

A female android walked onto the stage, and started fiddling with a microphone. Lou felt a tap on his shoulder and turned. A little girl baby doll was sitting next to him, giggling like no tomorrow. "Hi. I'm Dawn." She giggled again. "You look funny."

"Look who's talking." Lou shot back. Dawn simply giggled again. "I fink you'we gwumpy." She cooed in baby babble. Lou was disgusted that he could understand her.

"Alright, everyone." The female android spoke up. She was wearing a pink dress with a red vest and white tights. She was dressed like a principal.

"I'm your headmistress here at Happy Hearts and Bright Eyes Dollhouse Daycare Center. Happy Hearts and Bright Eyes are two institutions of dolls that believed in creating the best dolls a doll could be. Here, you'll learn to be a sweet, well-behaved baby doll. You'll be fitted with certain lessons as your time here goes on, which will individualize you, helping you find your perfect child."

Lou rolled his eyes, before stopping cold. If he was taking these lessons...did he actually have a shot at the Big World?

"Your training will consist of classes that will help you achieve the helplessness and behavior expected of a baby doll. You will find a school guidebook, containing the rules and regulations of Dollhouse Daycare in your dorms." The android went on. She sounded so human, it was almost scary. "I believe in each and every one of you, and I know you will get through all this. There are caregivers everywhere, so you're never to far away from help when you need it. I know you will all do your best, and become happy, innocent baby dolls. My name is Miss Love, and I am in my office whenever you need me." Lou had to keep from rolling his eyes. This was ridiculous.

Another woman took the stage. She was dressed similarly, except for the colors. She wore yellow and orange, instead of red and pink. She had her red hair back in a bun. Clearly she meant business.

"Firs things first," she stated clearly, "I know we have a returning student." She locked eyes on Lou. Lou simply raised an eyebrow at her.

"I do not tolerate shenanigans at this childcare center. I suggest you all be on your best behavior." She straightened her skirt, and spoke again. "My name is Mrs. Esme, your assistant headmistress. I, too, am always in my office." Lou immediately didn't like this woman.

None of the other dolls seemed concerned. They giggled and clapped, and the woman actually smiled. "Such a well-behaved batch of children this term. I know we'll get along just fine. Now," she turned to the chalkboard behind her. "A doll's true purpose is love and compassion." She drew a picture of a child hugging a doll. "That goes double for baby dolls. we are expected to teach children love, compassion, and responsibility." She drew another child with a baby doll. "Whether they are preparing for a younger sibling, or to be a parent, it does not matter. I want you all to understand, that there is no doll, at least, not here, that is more important than a baby doll." There was a chorus of awed voices, and Lou found his among them. He had to admit: that was a pretty strong belief.

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