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§Anika Hart §

"Oh my God, I can't wait, I wanna go and buy myself a tux right now and..and..and a bow and..and..and a whole new set of shoes!!." My best friend squealed.

The school has just announced about prom, it's gonna take place next month and my best friend is um..how do I put this nicely, he's being a humty dumty head ass.

"Relax your boxers Jace, it's not a big deal, it's just prom." I said and he paused and turned to me then she shook the education out of my body.

"Wake up you bitch, wakey wakey upey upey!!." He said as he continued shaking me.

"If. You. Don't. Stop. Shaking. Me. Imma. Kick. Your. Balls. Till. Your. Dad. Feels. The. Pain!!." I said with every shake and he stopped and cover his balls with his books.

"Yeah I'd not want that!." He said and I chuckled.

"That's what I thought, like I said, I don't think prom is such a big deal." I said as we walked to the football field, they're having a practice today.

"You're a weirdo, prom is every girls dream you nugget!!." He said and I squinted my eyes.

"I don't even think I'm going." I said.

"Um..ok but yes you are!." He said.

"No, I'm not!." I said.

"I promise you something if you come to prom." He said with a smirk.

"Something something or just something?." I asked.

"Oh, something something." He said and I laughed then we high fived.

"I'll be there!." I said.

"Cool, I'll come to your house and help you get ready." He said and I nodded, Jace is just like my female best friend, I don't care that he's a man, I take him to be just like a female, I'm popular in school but I don't walk with an entourage, I became popular since when I faught with the toughest bitch and I won, I've known Jace since when I was small, he offered me his cheese puffs when we were playing by the monkey bars and since then we became friends.

"Who are you taking?." I asked then he sighed as he played with the hem of his shirt.

"Well." He said with a goofy grin.

"Carly?." I asked.

"Sweet fuck yes." He said and I chuckled.

"Awwn, have you asked her yet?." I asked then he scratched the back of his head.

"Well." He said in a high pitched voice and I chuckled.

"I'll help you." I said and he squealed then he kissed my cheek and we sat on the bench.

"Wait I don't see Harry anywhere." I said then I got up and went to his team mates.

"Hey Anika." One of them said and we high fived.

"Guys, have you seen Harry?." I asked and they chuckled slightly then I squinted my eyes and I felt someone's hands around my waist and in a matter of seconds I was swept off the ground and I was twirled with, I wasn't screaming or anything cause my father did this to me all the time.

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