I'm too naive. I need to snap out of it and keep my distance before I get too attached and break my own heart 

 Who was I to think that someone would actually care about me in such a short pan of time

I took a deep breath before walking past them

"Hey," I heard him call out to me

I eyed him warily, giving a small smile as the girl sent daggers my way. I then turned back, making my way to the canteen

After buying what I could with the little money I had saved up at home I sat at and empty seat, taking my time to swallow the food as my throat was still hurting a bit

Some time later I heard a tray slapping down on the table in front of me. I looked up to see his girlfriend

"Hi! I'm Caroline," she gave me a sickeningly sweet smile, sitting across from me

"I'm-," she cuts me off

"Enough with the introductions," the smile instantly being wiped off her face bring replaced with a scowl

Well that didn't take very long

"Let's get this straight. Ace, is mine. I don't want you anywhere near him," 

Ace? I like my nickname for him better

"I don't want him if that's what you're thinking," 

"It's obvious you don't have good taste in guys," she scanned me, "Or clothes for that matter,"

"Your opinions are irrelevant," I rolled my eyes

"It's actually not because i'm the head female of this school. Practically the same rank as my baby," 

"Look at him," she turned around and eyed him like a piece of meat

"Your opinions are irrelevant to ME," 

"And you do know that he's a man-whore...right?" I raised a brow

"And your point is?"

I shook my head in response

"As long as you stay clear of him we won't have a problem. And a little heads up, I know more about you than you think I do. BYE!" she gave the same smile she walked over with

They were made for each other

That was quite the first impression

'Crazy bitch' my inner voice spoke causing me to laugh a bit. It wasn't wrong

I looked over to them and made eye contact with Caroline. She smiled and waved causing Curious George to look over at me. I looked away avoiding his gaze

I finished eating what little food I had before walking out of the canteen

He probably thinks that she's a saint and that she gets along with everyone while in reality she's...well...a bitch

All the same, he treated me way worse than she did

I heard some footsteps slapping the floor as they got closer to me. I turned around to see Curious George running up to me

Not good. I started walking faster and faster until I was eventually running through the halls

'Imagine if you're running away from him but you're not even the one he's running after. That'd be so embarrassing' 

I slowed down, soon coming to a stop. I was already out of breath with the short time I was running. damn i'm unfit

 I watched as Curious George stopped directly in front of me. He wasn't even tired while I was here dying

"What do you want," I folded my arms looking up at him.

"Is something wrong. You just rushed out as soon as you saw me,"

"Nothing is wrong,"

"Don't play dumb. You've been acting all weird since I saw you in the halls this morning. Specifically right after you saw...," he trailed off, his face lighting up as if something dawned upon him

"Are you jealous," he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows

"As if, don't flatter yourself. I just don't feel like talking to you and if I don't want to you can't exactly force me,"

"Well, if that's not it, which I'm kind of sure it is, what is it?"

"As I said before, it's nothing,"

"Well if you're going to act like a bitch, at least have a good reason for it,"

"Bitch?!" I scoffed

"That's how you're acting,"

"Well if you think that I'm bitchy now, I'm about to get a whole lot bitchier," I turned to walk away

"Where do you think you're going,"

"That's none of your business," I walked away as he trailed after me

'Look at the two of you, arguing like you're in a relationship'

I don't even care that I'm walking out of school before it ends

I felt myself being pulled back as he wrapped his hand around my wrist, my back crashing against a locker, a thud sounding from either side of my head

I looked up into his eyes, his gaze piercing through me. My breath hitched in my throat as I held his gaze, his face mere inches away from mine

I turned my head away from him

"What's wrong with you," he puts his index finger under me chin, turning my head back towards him. I stared anywhere except at him

"Nothing is wrong with me," I finally look back at him

"Do you expect me to believe that?" he whispered against my ear, his gaze shifting to my lips then back to my eyes as he inched closer to me. Every second taking forever to pass

I could feel his breath against my lips as he got closer. Pretty soon he was too close. This is way too intense for me right now

'You know you want this'

Do I really

His lips barely grazed mine, his body pulling away

"What the fuck is going on here," I saw Caroline behind his, grabbing onto his shirt 

Well shit. This is about to become very dramatic

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