Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: The Moon Spirit

Makki |~|

"This will truly be one for the history books, General Iroh," Adirmal Zhao smirked. "Just think, centuries from now, people will study the Great Admiral Zhao, who destroyed the last of the Water Tribe civilization. You're lucky you're here to see it."

I felt my blood boil. I clenched my hands into fists, practically getting ready to knock Zhao off the boat, but Iroh subtly grabbed my wrist, telling me to calm down. I took a few steady breaths to try and calm myself down.

"Be careful what you wish for, Admiral," Iroh advised. "History is not always kind to its subjects."

"I suppose you speak from experience," said Zhao. "But, rest assured, this will be nothing like your legendary failure at Ba Sing Se."

"I hope not," Iroh frowned. "For your sake."

"Tell the captains to prepare for the first strike."

Iroh swiftly turned around, with me by his side, and walked through the ship. Prince Zuko was waiting at the organized spot we made to meet at. Iroh and I casually walked up to him and waited for the corridors to clear out.

"We'll be landing soon. Do you have a plan?" Iroh asked.

"I'm working on it, Uncle," Prince Zuko removed his mask before we split paths again.


When the wall of the Northern Tribe came into view, Admiral Zhao had one of his ships sail ahead to deliver the first attack. It was hard to see it, it was so far ahead. I saw it shoot only a few fireballs before it stopped suddenly and was then stopped in the middle of the water by ice. Then, Appa came flying closer to Zhao's fleet, dropping off Aang on the ships, and began to take them out.

At least Aang is here to help protect the tribe. And the water benders seem very powerful.


Admiral Zhao's fleet has been firing fireballs at the Northern Water Tribe for the whole day, nonstop. I could see the walls and buildings crumbling, but I could also see the water benders fighting back and holding strong. Thankfully, Zhao hasn't had any men get onto the tribe's land. But he will, sooner or later. As the sun was setting, Admiral Zhao went into his ship and looked out the window in one of the chambers. Iroh and I found him so Iroh could speak with him.

"It's almost twilight, Admiral," he said. "As your military consultant, I must advise you to halt your attack. The water benders draw their power from the moon, and it is nearly full tonight. You should wait and resume your attack at daybreak."

"Oh, I'm well aware of the moon problem. And I am working on a solution," Zhao growled. "But for now, daybreak it is."


After Zhao had ordered the ships to lower their anchors, Iroh and I slipped away to find Prince Zuko and help him carry out the plan he had made. Prince Zuko was able to find a canoe in Zhao's ship and found a blind spot in the ship where he could lower the canoe and paddle to the tribe. Prince Zuko was now out of his soldier disguise and was preparing the canoe.

"If you're fishing for an octopus, you need a tightly woven net, or he will squeeze through the tiniest hole and escape," said Iroh.

"I don't need your wisdom right now, Uncle," Prince Zuko said.

"I'm sorry, I just nag you because... Well, ever since I lost my son..." Iroh choked up.

Iroh had a son... and lost him... the poor man.

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