Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Pirates

Makki |~|

A few days have passed since our sail into Fire Nation waters and we luckily made it back into the Earth Kingdom without being captured. But within those few days, I continued to train on the deck of the ship, and Iroh has really been teaching me a lot. He also explained in further detail how he studied all of the bending styles, even though he's only a fire bender. He explained that he's always been fascinated with water benders the most and even made a fire bending technique from his studies of them.

I really feel like I'm improving.

I'm able to lift larger amounts of water and can even create a wave to take out a large ship (not that I've done that yet). I can also freeze water on command. Now all that's left to do, really, is learn how to fight and defend myself with my bending.

To master it... I know I have a long way to go, but I've already made so much progress!

I was currently sparring with Iroh. Him, fire bending at me, and me, dodging and water bending back at him. He fire bended three fireballs at me, one after another. I dodged the first two easily and bended a large stream of water to block the third. Then I made the stream split in two and wrap around both of Iroh's wrist. He tried to fight free but I was able to bring his wrists together and then freeze the water to keep his wrists in place.

"Well done, Makki," Iroh praised. "You are getting stronger every day."

"It's all thanks to you, Iroh," I smiled as I bended the ice back into the water to free him.

"My pleasure. Now, I'm going to retreat into the ship for some lunch," Iroh's mouth watered at the mention of food. "Care to join me?"

I vigorously nodded.

Sparring always makes me super hungry.


After enjoying a nice lunch with Iroh and some of the crew, Iroh started a game of Pai Sho with a crew member, and others, including me, decided to watch the two play.

I've never played Pai Sho, so I'm not sure what they're doing... but it's better than nothing.

"Oh no," Iroh sighed sadly. "I cannot find my lotus tile... Captain, please start heading towards the nearest merchant port."

"Yes, sir."

The ship started to turn left before settling back into a neutral balance. Iroh and the crew member continued to play Pai Sho until Prince Zuko came stomping into the room. He was wearing his sparring uniform so he was probably on the deck when the ship had turned suddenly.

"What's the meaning of this mutiny?!" Prince Zuko exclaimed. "No one told you to change course!"

"Actually, someone did," said Iroh. "I assure you, it is a matter of utmost importance, Prince Zuko."

"Is it something to do with the Avatar?" he asked.

"Even more urgent. It seems I--" Iroh placed a hand on his head. "I've lost my lotus tile."

Iroh moved a Pai Sho piece on the board away from himself.

"Lotus tile?" Prince Zuko asked.

"For my Pai Sho game," Iroh explained. "Most people think the lotus tile insignificant. But it is essential for the unusual strategy that I employ."

"You've changed our course for a stupid lotus tile?"

"See, you, like most people, underestimate its value. Just give me ten minutes to check the merchants at this port of call. Hopefully, they'll have the lotus tile in stock and I can get on with my life."

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