23)In His Arms

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We had to take the subway home, since we were both dumb enough to not bring any form of transport with us. Yay...

And since the subway was packed it left me sat on Bucky's lap next to a screaming baby in their mothers arms. Fun... At least I'm here with Bucky, and he is quite comfy.

"You alright doll?" He asked with his arms wrapped around me.

"Yep! Are you?"


"What?" He pulls me closer to him and that's when I realised his problem.

"How!" I hiss, "We're on a disgusting sweaty train for god sake!" He shrugs.

"Your on my lap doll, wriggling around like that. I can't control my body" I roll my eyes.

"Deal with it yourself" I hear him grumbling under his breath for awhile before he was silent. Then I feel his hand on my leg and starting to go further up. "James!" Why did I wear a skirt again?

I feel his hand on my underwear and I stiffen. "Hm? You're so wet doll" I hear him chuckle down my ear. "Would you like some help with that?" My breath hitches and I start to squirm as he rubs my through my panties.

"Yes" I whisper. He nibbles my ear.

"I can't hear you"

"Yes!" People turn to look at us momentarily and I feel my cheeks heat up. "Sorry, talking about food" I play it off nervously. Yeah, talking about how Bucky's dick was about to eat my pussy.

I hear him laugh as his pants slowly come down a little. I feel it poking on my back and he slowly rides the back on my skirt up. I help him and allow my underwear to slide down a little as he manages to line us up.

I went down quickly as the train sped up and someone knocked us. I withheld my moan as he gripped my hips. Slowly he moved my hips up and down and I try to keep in my moans, letting out heavy breathes instead.

Every time someone looked at us we played it out as if we were having an ordinary conversation so hopefully no one caught on. "So what should we do when we get home?" I ask, grinding my hips gently.

"I think- uhm- we should. Fuck uhm.... What was the question again?" He gripped my hips tighter and I knew he was close.

"H-hey James" I pant.

"Yes doll" He rests his head in my neck and bites lightly. Don't moan, don't moan. Fuck this is hard.

"I. Forgot. Oops, uhm, I love you" I say instead as I feel myself going over the top.

"I love you too" He lifts his head up and we kiss as I cum, him following shortly after.

"Next stop Manhattan" Oh god.

"Sir Barnes, Lady Rouge! You have returned!" Thor was the first to see us.

"Hello" I grin as Bucky held my waist.

"Wassup RKade, thought you weren't coming back for awhile" Tony said while walking over.

"Plans changed" Bucky said for me while somehow holding me tighter.

"Hey Rouge" Steve grinned walking over to us. He gave me a hug and him and Bucky did a strange back pat. I wonder where Nat, Clint and Bruce are.

"The others are on a mission" Thor says. Oh coolio.

"So you two back together? Wait where you together before or just fucking" Don't facepalm Rouge. Wait. Are we together? I look at Bucky to see him looking down at me. We share a look before turning back to Tony.



We both snap our heads to each other. Did he just say no! "What?" I step back with wide eyes. Bucky frowned at the loss of contact and pulled me back to him.

"Awkward" Thor coughed.

"I want to do it properly" Bucky shrugged.

"So that means she's technically up for grabs, right?"

"Back off metal man" Bucky growled tugging my face into his chest.

"Aren't you with Pepper?" Steve asks.

What! I push away from Bucky and squeal. "You're with Pepper! Pepper Pots! YES!!!" I do a little happy dance as he turns red slightly.

"We aren't together. We're just going on a date tonight" I frown slightly but smile again. Better than nothing.

"Oh, well you better win her over Stark. I love that woman!" I see Bucky glaring at me in the corner of my eye and turn to him. "Oh hush you big baby" I peck his lips and walk out the room grinning.

"Woah, you're back" I see Sam in the hall.

"I'm back baby!" I grin and carry on walking to Bucky's room. I sigh and jump onto his bed. I've missed this bed. I lied, the one in the motel was shit, it was a shitty bed. "Oh I've missed you to much" I kiss the bed.

"Wow, I'm jealous of a bed. Never saw that coming" I look up and see Bucky.

I sigh dramatically, "I think I'm in love with your bed" He falls down next to me and we lie down facing the ceiling.

"As long as you have some room left for me"

I look to him and smile. "I'll always have room for you" He grinned and pulled me into his chest. We lay there hugging for awhile. "Do you see me in your future James?" I randomly ask.

He looks down at me as I look up at him. His hand was stroking my hair as he spoke. "I don't know what I see in my future" I felt my heart drop a little. "But I know what I see in my present, and you fill the screen"

I smile and he kisses the top of my head. "I love you" I whisper feeling tired.

"Sweet dreams" He lifts us up and tucks us into bed together. I don't care if I'm in my clothes I just want to lie down in his arms. I fall asleep to the beat of his heart and his metal hand stroking my cheek.

"I love you too doll"

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