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He won't talk to me. He won't talk to Steve. He won't leave his room. It's his birthday tomorrow and despite what everyone was saying I am determined to make it a good birthday for him. HYDRA stole so much from him, I just want him to be happy.

I finish wrapping his present which came earlier today. I tried my hardest to not cry but a few tears slipped out. I got him a photo book with all our pictures in. I had written a message at the end but I guess it doesn't matter now.

Steve had already wrapped the other small things we got him. They were from both of us, although this one was from just me. We were going to have a small party. Just the avengers and we were all going to have a fun day- but we can't do that now.

I never wanted to come between Bucky and Steve and I feel like I've done just that. So I decided I would be out for the night so they could sort it out. Steve tried to talk me out of it however I made up my mind. They sort things out and I stay out of his life.

I'll do whatever to make him happy.

"Is it ready?" I look to my door and saw Steve there. I quickly turn around and wipe my tears.

"Yeah, here"

He sighed. "You need to tell him the truth Rouge. It's tearing both of you apart. You love him and he obviously lo-"

"He doesn't love me Steve" I get up and grab my coat. "But I know I love him enough to let him go and be happy" I freeze and look down at my phone.

"You're making a mistake" He crosses his arms while looking at my packed bag. I sigh.

"I'm only going away for a month Steve. Just until he can stop hating me..."

"He doesn't hate you" He tried to reason but I had already made my mind up.

"Tell him I said happy birthday"

"You could always stick around and tell him yourself"

I walk to my door. "Good bye Steve"

"See you soon"


I can't believe Steve and Rouge were together. I really thought she liked me. I was going to tell her I loved her soon, but I guess Steve beat me too it. No matter how hard I try I can't bring myself to hate them.

It just sucked. My best friend and my...

Today was my birthday but no one knows. I doubt Steve would have remembered. I hear a knock on my door but ignore it. "Hey cyborg, we have a mission to do" Ugh it's Sam. "If you don't come I'll send in one of Tony's robots and Tony said he just upped their blasters"

I groan and get up. I open the door and follow him out of my room and into the main room. "Oh Bucky! Mind helping me with something" Natasha said popping her head from the kitchen. I huff but go to her.

As I enter the kitchen I'm shocked to see a small homemade cake and present on the counter. "Happy birthday Buck" Steve said patting my back.

"You remembered?" this is confusing. I haven't celebrated a birthday since 1944. "Why are you doing this? If you feel guilty about loving my gi- Rouge then don't" I go to walk out but he grabs me.

"You know you shouldn't just to conclusions Buck"

Natasha joined in, "Did they tell you they were dating"

"Well no, bu-"

"Did you ever think that something else was going on?" Tony added. Yes, I thought they were fucking.

"Lady Rouge arranged most of this surprise along with Steve son of Rogers"

Oh shit.

"That's why they were sneaking around. They aren't in love" Clint rolled his eyes.

"She got you this, she said happy birthday by the way" Steve handed me a wrapped board thing.

I gently open it and my eyes widen. The cover was her and my name and at the bottom it said 'filled with memories of yours truly'.

I slowly opened it and looked at every page. It was filled with our pictures. I feel terrible. I turn the book around and read the back.

'Even if the universe pulls us apart I hope you know,

I will always love you James Buchanan Barnes'

- Rouge, your doll

I run out of the kitchen and to her room. I don't bother knocking and barge in. "Rouge!" Her bed was empty and her walls were bare. I scrunch my eyebrows up in confusion and check her bathroom. Empty.

"She's gone" I turn to Steve.

"What do you mean gone?"

"She's gone for a month. She thinks you hate her. I tried to tell her not to go but she didn't listen. She claims by the time she's back you won't hate her anymore and you would be happier without her" I feel like crying.

"I don't hate her! Why would she think that?"

"Because you refused to talk to her. We tried telling you about the surprise Buck, but you wouldn't listen"

"Where is she-"

"Maybe you should leave her alo-"

"WHERE IS SHE!" Steve flinches and I calm myself down. "Please Steve. I can't lose her again"

Steve sighed. "Fine"

Please don't be too late.

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