10)Period Pains

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After the first time we had sex, Bucky and I became addicted. Like bunnies- actually that's a horrible thought. I groan again as Bucky slammed into me once more. We were currently in the kitchen. I had tried to make breakfast but it seems we both had different views on what breakfast was.

"Quiet doll, we don't wanna alert anyone into coming in the kitchen" he moaned down my ear. Oh god. I try to shut up as he banged into me again.

Luckily I was wearing a dress so if anyone was going to come in I could easily sort myself out. "Stop being so rough then" I mutter as he started to pound faster into me.

"You know you love it" I really did. I bite down hard on my lip just as I cum over the top. I let out a breathless moan just as Bucky pulls out and cums down my leg. Oh great. "Sorry doll"

"Get a cloth" Oh shit I can hear people coming.

"Shit" he pulled his pants up and quickly cleaned between my legs. I straighten my dress and grab my cereal.

"Good morning" I say as I see Steve and Sam enter the kitchen. Act. Normal. Wait what even is normal? Oh, like you haven't just fucked his best friend.

"Good Morning" Steve said. "Hello Buck"

"Sup Steve" he answered with his arms crossed over his chest and while leaning on the counter. Oh god what is he doing, he looks like a dork. I try not to snort and walk past them.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I hear Sam yells as I leave the kitchen. I catch a glimpse of him holding up the cloth.

"Yogurt?" Bucky says. By now I was long gone but I couldn't help but laugh as I round the corner. Ha! He's in trouble now.

Well this is horrible. I stare down at the red. I hate periods. They're so stupid!

I groan and sort myself out. I need some chocolate ice cream right now. I go to the kitchen and look in the freezer. Ah, my not so secret stash of chocolate ice cream. No one had the guts to eat it especially knowing it was for my periods. Suckers.

I grab a tub and bring it with me to the main room. I plop myself down on a sofa and turn on the TV. What movie should I watch?... "Hey Rouge" Clint says sitting beside me.

"Hello Katniss" Fun fact, whenever I'm on my period I tend to give people nicknames- kinda like Tony except I'm better than him so.....

He looks between my fluffy pyjamas, ice cream and untamed hair. "We watching a sad girly romance?" I grin.

"You know me too well" He chuckles and lets me put on The Notebook. I snuggle up to him as the movie began. No matter who I was next to, whenever I'm on my period I demand cuddles. They are a necessity, not a want.

Half way through the movie Bucky came in. "Uhm..." he looked between us and stared at my questionable appearance. He better not be judging me.

"Ey Bucky! Mind switching I need to go out"

"Sure" Clint gets up and Bucky sits next to me. This is what friends do, this is normal. As soon as Clint leaves the room Bucky swings his arm around me and pulls me closer. I lean my head on his shoulder as his hand plays with my hair.

"Is there a reason for all this?" he asks.

"Yep" I didn't elaborate. He shrugged and carried on playing with my hair. That feels nice. I think I might fall asleep. My eyes start to droop and before I can completely nod off I feel my stomach cramp. Oh for fuck sake!

I groan loudly and squeeze my stomach. If anyone. And I mean anyone. Says that women exaggerate the pain of cramps- I will kill them. "Doll?" Bucky sits me up and looks at me concerned.

"Cramps" Everything seems to click for him then.

"Ahh" He pulls me onto his lap and as I was about to question what he was doing I felt a cool hand on my lower stomach. "The metal might ease the pain" wow this is actually working. I snuggle into him further.

"Thank you" I mumbled before taking a scoop of my ice cream and shoving it into my mouth. Then my favourite part comes on the movie. "It wasn't over" I say with the actor. "And it still isn't over" Then they kissed.

"How many times have you watched this movie" Bucky chuckled down my ear.

"A lot" I giggle.

Then incomes Steve, Sam, Natasha and Tony. "Well hello there" Tony says with raised eyebrows at me and Bucky.

"Hello tin opener" I chirp. I feel Bucky nod his head as a hello.

"What's going on here then?" Sam asks giving us a suggestive smirk.

I roll my eyes, "I'm clearly watching a movie, I get you're into the whole chicken cosplay but do you have to act like your brain is like a fried egg too?"

"Bucky! Why is your hand down her pants!" Everyone looked to what Steve pointed out and I blushed bright red.

"It's not down her pants!" He quickly lifted my top.

"WE DON'T NEED TO SEE!" Tony gasped as all the men look awhile. Natasha however seemed to realise what was happening as she looked at my set-up.

"Does that really help with the cramps" She asks referring to his metal hand.

"Yeah it makes it so much easier" I say. We start to talk about periods as the men gaped at us.

"I think I'd rather have his hand down her pants" Sam pulled a disgusted face. I felt Bucky tense behind me, I don't think he appreciates the menstrual talk either.

"Sorry for assuming" Steve said while blushing. I shrug.

"For that you can bring me more ice cream, I'm finished with this one. Thanks Prudy Judy!"

Tony sighed, "The amount of ice cream you go through a month" while shaking his head he walked out. Dramatic much.

After Steve had given me my ice cream and everyone had left I snuggle into Bucky again. "So is this normal for this time of the month?" I nod.

"Yup. I like cuddles Buckaroo" He raises an eyebrow at the nickname and snorts.

"The cuddles I don't mind, but Buckaroo? Seriously?" I shrug.

"You got doll I got Buckaroo"

"I much prefer it when you call me daddy" My face turns red.


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