Chapter 55: A Sunday Date

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"They don't trust me anymore." Itachi said strolling side by side with Yuzuki and Sasuke who walked behind the two. "They think I did it."

"Of course. They did send Shisui to spy on you." Yuzuki said softly. Today was Wednesday. Officially a week since Shisui died.

"So when you discovered that, you killed him." she remarked sarcastically. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure Sasuke wasn't listening. "And then I was attacked yesterday."



Itachi hummed curiously. "Nothing adds up anymore."

"Danzo is promoting me to the Hokage's personal body guard. I'll be able to protect him if things do happen."

"No matter what, I want Sasuke to be safe." Itachi looked over his shoulder lovingly at his little brother.

"He's both our priorities, Itachi. Don't worry."

Sasuke, who heard his name skipped to catch up with Itachi and Yuzuki. "Yes?" he said gleaming up at them with a smile. "What are you talking about?"

"Anbu business."

Sasuke groaned rolling back his head dramatically. "You're always talking about Anbu. You never come to visit anymore."

"Well," said Yuzuki glancing to Itachi who had a look of amusement. "We are Anbu. It's kind of our jobs, you know."

"I know that." he retorted.

"We also have top secret missions and very important things to talk about."


"That's top secret."

Awe flashed across Sasuke's face. "Ohh."

"Run ahead, will you?" Yuzuki pushed him forward to make him walk faster. Itachi chuckled with the shale of his head.
"Why is that he listens to you better than me?" he asked. Yuzuki shrugged in response. "Kakashi's been asking about you."

Yuzuki's stomach flipped. "Really? About what?" she felt her cheeks heat up and Itachi chuckled.

"He want's to know if you're okay. I tell him you are, but being in the Foundation is hard."

"I don't want him dragged into this. He doesn't deserve it, he- we both have lost too much." she began twirling the left lock of hair that was now cut short. "We can't let this happen, Itachi. I'd... I'd die to make it stop."

Itachi then stopped and Sasuke came to hug his legs begging to go home so they could train. "There's information I've discovered, but I still need to validate it."

"About what?"

"You." he said. "The things the clan wasn't telling us. I'm close to finding out. They're having another meeting tonight."

Yuzuki huffed kicking the ground. "Of course I wasn't invited."

"It's better that way. They talk more, and I feel like they're going to reveal the big plan."

"We shouldn't be talking in the open."

Sasuke then poked Yuzuki's leg with a pout. "Come on, I wanna go home!" he whined.

"Sasuke, please. We're having an important conversation."

Sasuke groaned and Itachi knelt to his level and poked his forehead. "Soon, I promise. There's just one thing I have to do."

"You always say that." Sasuke pouted.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke."

The boy sighed greatly. Itachi rose back to his feet signalling Yuzuki a farewell before parting ways to take home his little brother before tonight's secret meeting. Everything was dependant on tonight. If Itachi could reveal the plans for the coup, they might have a chance at stopping this war from breaking out.

Yuzuki already lived through one ninja war and lost her closest friends as a results. She wasn't about to let that happen again. Especially when the lives of the village were on the line.

She turned on her heel to head back to the base when she sensed familiar chakra. Yuzuki stopped to wait for a moment before Kakashi came to land next to her.

"Are you okay?" he asked concerned. "I heard what happened yesterday-" he saw the bandage around her left arm and the missing lock of hair.

"I'm fine, Kakashi." she reassured him. "Tis' but a scratch." she laughed trying to cover up the fact that there was something deeper going on. "The people who attacked me turned rogue. They've been dealt with, trust me."

He nodded slightly. "Right. Do you know why?"

"Confidential." she shrugged.

"I guess it would be, huh?" he found himself staring at her. "Are we still on for Sunday night?"

She smiled wildly. "Yes. Why wouldn't we?"

"Just... asking."

They stood in silence for a moment before Yuzuki cleared her throat. "I need to go- Anbu stuff to do."

"Yeah. Okay. See you in... four days."

Kakashi watched her jump to the rooftops in a small trance. He couldn't believe he had a date with her. He never would have thought this time would come. It was surreal. It was exciting and nerve-racking. He was so lost in thought, he didn't bother to stop Might Guy who came crashing into him.

"Let's have a duel!" he commanded over enthusiastically. He took a fighting stance. His skin tight green jumpsuit stretched in uncomfortable places.

"Sure." Kakashi replied and casually pushed past him.

Guy repaired his argument but stopped short. "Really?"


Guy was dumbfounded. Never before had Kakashi willingly agreed to duel Might Guy. "Is something on your mind?" he came to block his path. "My instincts are telling me somethings on your mind."

Kakashi stopped to gleam at Guy underneath his mask. "I've got a date." he said without thinking.

"Huh!?" Guy's mouth fell open. "You have a date!?"

"Keep it down."

It was too late. Asuma who came trailing along with Kurenai had heard. "Kakashi has a date? With who?" Asuma questioned. He peered down to Kurenai who giggled. "Yuzuki." she said already knowing.

"How did you know?" Kakashi asked bewildered.

"Katsuko told me."

"How does Katsuko know..." he sighed. What a dumb question. "Yeah. Guilty."

Asuma laughed loudly and playfully punched his arm. "Are you ready?"


"Anything. Are you prepared, are you going to buy flowers?"

"No, I-"

Asuma held up his hand and Kakashi fell short mostly in confusion. "Let me give you a few tips." he slung his arm around Kakashi's shoulders.

"By the power of youth!" Guy shouted with tears. "We will teach you how to treat a lady! And with Kurenai's help."

"I already know-" Kakashi wasn't given the chance to speak before he was compared with questions and advice. He sighed and went along with it. He didn't read Icha Icha for nothing.

Yuzuki Uchiha Gaiden ~Book 1~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora