.Akuma no Ko 2.

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Key: "talking"
accented words
words that will get a definition
demonic noises




A high pitched shriek filled the manor, breaking the once calming atmosphere. A gasp escaped the lady's mouth. She quickly stood up and rushed towards the scream in a daze, leaving the vendor.


THE ELDER SERVANT ran as fast as she could. A cold sweat fell down her temple as she thought of all terrible things that might have happened to her mistress. Mei - the elder servant- could recognize that voice from anywhere, it was the Mistress's shriek. She was deeply worried, most of the servants were dismissed for the night and she thought there was a small possibility that the rest of the servants of the house didn't hear the scream. So lost in her thoughts she didn't realize the Medicine Vendor was tailing her, following right behind her. A weirdly designed katana in his left hand.

As he was following the lady he noticed something off. He noticed some parts of the house had wet spots from the storm outside but nothing to collect the water.

"Lady Chiyo!" The shoji slammed open. When she heard such a terrifying scream she didn't expect to see the sight in front of her. Her brows furrowed, a small frown fell upon her lips. The Medicine Vendor was behind the shorter lady, hence could see the scene in front of him.

There, in all her glory, the one called 'Lady Chiyo' was crouching on a small table. Her knuckles were as white as the make up she had on her face. A look of terror was present on her face. Her eyes we focused on solely one thing, the rat in front of her. Her black hair down instead of its usual shimada hairstyle. The room had become a bit of a mess. The table had been moved from its original spot, there was a teacup laying innocently on the ground, boiling tea splattered out of the cup on to the floor. Lady Chiyo realizing the other presence in the room snapped her head towards them. As soon as she saw Mei a look of relief relaxed on to her face.

"Mei, please do something about...that thing." She swiftly pointed at the now moving rat. Disgust filled her tone. A small sigh and a 'yes my lady' went passed Mei's mouth, as she stepped forward into the slightly messy room.

Kusuriuri watched the whole scene play out. He stood there, waiting for someone to comment something about him or why he was here.

"Lady Chiyo!..." Akio said, rushing toward the room, his voice died down at the end. He stood next to Kusuriuri, who partially blocked the entrance to the room. Akio's eyes then slowly turned the mysterious vendor. A brow rose. He had a hard figuring out if the vendor was mockingly smiling at the situation or if it was just the way his lip was painted.

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