.kuchisake-onna 4.

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The two yelped and gripped onto each other. Akio's eyes widened. His eyes shook along with his body. He could sense it, his body trembled much more once he realized this time... The Medicine Seller wouldn't come to their rescue. With nothing to defend them, Kayo and Akio had to survive the Mononoke.


The building seemed to have gained the ability to get taste of Akio's fear. Its depraved eyes traced over the pair waiting to dine. Akio's shivers grew even further. The gentle shaking besides him also grew, however, it was not to the same degree as his. He long had made -in his eyes- an unfortunate discovery. His sense was stronger than the average human. It was not the typical sense such as hearing or sight, rather it was something more primitive, instinct.

Akio recalled during his younger years he had been considered a lucky child. Due to him somehow avoiding dangers his peers couldn't, this solidified the words others told him. However, as he thought back, he recognized that he infact was not a lucky child.

And with that little whisper in his head, he knew that his luck had long ran out. He was humbled and knew that he was merely prey to the predator named Mononoke.

Hearing no more noises, Akio began to loosen his grip. Subconsciously, Kayo had done the same. As his breath slowed so did hers. The pair glanced at each other in unbridled horror. Noticing that Kayo was about to speak, Akio immediately shushed her by placing his index finger on his lips, signaling to her to stay quiet. Kayo instantly understood his message. In normal circumstances Kayo would've registered his act as rude, however, she knew that this was neither the time nor place.

Akio scanned the area, his gaze filled with apprehension. He then glanced down to Kayo, though he wasn't the greatest at reading faces, he could tell Kayo was formulating a plan.

He inwardly pondered on how Kayo seemed to be more experienced than him when he had faced more Mononoke.

A soft smile grew on his face as he thought of a conversation he had with Kayo earlier. Akio had learned that Kayo was older than him. Though it was by a few years, he didn't expect her to be older, and the idea of her being younger never crossed his mind. Maybe it was the age difference that gave her the qualities of a leader. Or it could've been that strong sense of justice within her. Whatever it was he hoped that one day he'd be as kind as her.

A self-loathing smirk bloomed on his face before he zeroed in on reality.

Akio glanced at a few rooms here and there. From what he could tell, the second and third floor were mostly for entertainment. He studied the room to his right. Opposite to where the stair case was. The room had a koto in it. The koto was as long as it usually was and had all 13 strings. What stood out about the koto was the dust that accumulated. It had an abnormal amount of grime. The restaurant had closed recently, so when would the koto have time to age in such a way. Akio looked away from the room and moved on. He smelt a soft floral fragrance waft from the room. Akio's hand subconsciously twitched as the sent unknowingly faded.

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