.kuchisake-onna 5.

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Akio stared at Kayo's dazed face for a moment before he opened his mouth.

"Look for the Medicine-!" Right as he was about to finish, a bone-chilling shriek echoed throughout the restaurant.

The door slammed shut.


Kayo stood still. A neutral look adorned her face.

"...huh?" A small noise echoed around her. It bounced off the building and right back to her. It sounded alien to her ears. Her fingers trembled. Then her hands. Kayo soon found herself completely shaking. Her legs gave out as she tumbled to the ground. 

"...Akio...?" Kayo called out, using up the last of her remaining spirit. There was no response. Her hands gradually reach up to her lips. Her brows trembled as she shook her head frantically. Kayo could no longer deny what had just occurred. Her eyes widened as flat droplets began to cascade down her cheeks. With newfound energy, she thrust herself off the ground and began to pound the door. 

"Akio- AKIO!" Kayo wailed desperately. She persisted to weep, not caring if she came across as insane. Her burning tears continued to fall and drip onto the ground. Her complexion grew sickly as time went on. Her hands, tender from all the banging against the wood, began to slow before dropping to her sides. Kayo was starting to hyperventilate as she clenched her kimono with every bit of strength she had left. She prepared to shriek Akio's name once again, but then her voice died down. A stern, yet gentle voice resonated through her mind. 

Look for the Medicine Seller. 

A small breath escaped her lips. With tears still crawling down her face, she dashed away from the shimmering building and through the dim alleyway. 

The distance between the alleyway and the outside world was astronomically shorter than what it was the second time she went through it. The sinister aura that once emitted through the dark hallway was nowhere to be found. Kayo had a vague suspicion that the ambiance was caused by the Mononoke. 

Her heart throbbed at the concept of Akio dealing with the Mononoke. Her steps grew desperate. Kayo would not let Akio die. 

As the familiar blinding light came to be, her eyes instinctively winced. The burning light seemingly had little effect on Kayo because she kept running. She shoved past crowds of people, disregarding the curses thrown at her. She called out for the Medicine Seller, hoping- praying that the mysterious man would hear her cries over the bustling port. 

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