wisdom instructs.

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"my son sit down and i will teach you, of the ways of wickedness lies death, a man of sin attracts reproach from God and men.

I sit at the high place and watch the ways of the earth as they struggle to kill and destroy everything that I the LORD created for them. In my wisdom I made known to men to follow my way and find true rest but they left my path and wandered across the desert like sheep without a shepherd, because of their disobedience.

To this day the men of the world keep in this circle, moving across the desert and dying in disobedience. A man who listens to my instruction finds the way and comes out of the desert into my rest. whoever sits in my light sees the way out of things that lead to death.

sit with me and gain understanding as i speak to you.

My instruction, that is life; whoever finds my law gains life. i have shown compassion to the nations of the earth and have made known to them my Word through men. Listen and be made complete in my way.

Do not be afraid, but preserve yourself in holiness that you may be found blameless in the sight of men and angels.

the ways of the Lord are holiness and above that there is no other truth. of the deep things of the LORD the greatest is truth and whoever understands the truth gains Love the love that attracts all good things.

for was it not said Love your neighbor as yourself and give to the poor, provide for the widow and give home to the orphan for whoever does this things serves the LORD.

The wicked ignore this ways and their ultimate end is destruction for the Lord despises their ways and his justice issues punishment to all the proud.

In his great sovereignty  the LORD seeks to rise above all human knowledge and understanding. He silences the proud and mocks  the wise. His ways are not as that of mortal men; but he instructs those who obey Him.

They sit under his shadow; He makes known to them the ways of his truth.

whoever believes and follows this ways gains infinite understanding and flourishes in all their endeavors. They stand before men and instruct the wicked from their way. The LORD teaches the humble and gives power to the simple.

To men of no understanding he covers them in wisdom that changes their thought into knowledge. To the poor the LORD gives wealth that he snatches from the wicked. whoever acknowledges the ways of the LORD, becomes as a tree planted by the streams which does not know dry season but gives fruit even in the drought. A man of understanding none can stand against, for they have gotten it not from the world but by the counsel of the LORD do they make decision.

seek the way of the LORD and all things you shall gain."

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