2. If Potatoes Grew on Trees

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2. If Potatoes Grew On Trees

[Zayn’s POV]

“Have a nice day ma’am I say as she takes her bags.

“Don’t tell me what to do boy,” she said as she left the store.

What a crabby old lady. I rolled my eyes and swung myself back in the chair. The convenience store was pretty dead today and I just didn’t seem to care. The less people that came in means the less I have to deal with people like grandma earlier.

It’s not that I hate people, but they can be highly annoying. Like, who needs to be always bitter? Maybe that’s why I don’t want to go to UNI. I don’t want to have to deal with all of the bigots there. It’d be horrible. I mean what if they make fun of me or try and torment me.

I sighed as I closed my eyes for a moment until I heard a cough in front of me. I peeked open my eye to see a little girl standing in front of me holding a candy bar.

“Can I help you?” I asked beginning to stand up.

“Yes. Apparently 4-Way is going to be driving all over the UK, and I want to be ready when they get here. I was wondering if you had more candy,” she said, her eyes wide and innocent.

“Down aisle four,” I said with a smile. She smiled back and me and took off down the aisle. I chuckled as I sat down in the chair again. Kids were always entertaining and they never seemed to truly bother me. If anything they were the ones who kept this stupid job somewhat entertaining.

It wasn’t long until the little girl was back at the front desk dumping her candy on the counter. I smiled as I began to ring up the candy.

“Excuse me,” she said as I was ringing her up.


“What do you think of my dress?”

“Well I think it’s lovely,” I said as she gave me a twirl.

“Good, because I’m going to get Niall to marry me.”

I nearly choked, but I refrained because I had to remind myself there was a small child in front of me who didn’t have the common sense to realize she was too young to be marrying anyone right now.

“Is that so?” I asked, hiding disbelief from my voice.

“Yeah!” She nodded her head rapidly as she continued to speak with me. “I’m going to be Mrs. Horan and we’re going to live happily ever after!”

“You think so?”

“Yep! He always says follow your dreams so they can come true!” She said as she took the bag I was extending out to her.

“So that’s your big dream?” I asked.

“Well, that and I want to be a neuroscientist. Obviously, someone needs to make money because that group isn’t going to last forever.”

I laughed and threw an extra candy bar in her last bag, because she was just so darn cute. I smiled as she waved goodbye to me and I couldn’t help but continue to smile. I sat down in the chair and smiled to myself as I opened a magazine that happened to be featuring 4-Way. I looked at the picture and he really was an attractive lad. I couldn’t believe that I thought this leprechaun was remotely attainable.

Besides, he was probably straight as they come so I don’t need to be wasting my time on that.

[Niall’s POV]

I groaned as soon as we landed in London, considering we were just in Italy a few days ago, and there were screaming fans for miles. Yeah, for a group that wasn’t doing so well, it surprised me we still had this many fans.

“How did they know where we were?” I groaned as we stayed inside the airport waiting area, secluded from the noise.

“I dunno,” Louis said, looking a bit grumpy. “I mean, it’s trending on Twitter, so I’m assuming tha- HAROLD!”

“Sorry,” Harry mumbled as he blushed furiously.

“What?” I asked whipping out my phone, Liam copying me, as Louis explained.

“Just go look at what our little genius tweeted,” Louis said with a groan.

I scrolled through my feed until I reached Harry’s tweet:

Oh Big Ben, I’ll be there before you strike eleven. X

“Really Harry?” Liam said with a bit of a frown.

“It rhymes!” Harry exclaimed.

“Barely,” Louis muttered.

“Anyways,” I said, “it’ll be alright. I mean, this wasn’t exactly what I was expecting but I guess it could still work out in our favor.

“How?” Liam asked, sitting down next to me.

“Well, if we’re in London for a bit then keep traveling, but we don’t do anything in London, then people will question what we’re doing. Besides, we need them to be curious about what’s going on,” I explained to the lads.

“So this is like a big setup?” Liam asked.

“Precisely!” I said, smiling at the word.

“Me likey,” Louis said as he wiggled his eyebrows. “So where are we going to find our pawn?”

“Louis, he won’t be a pawn,” I said as I rolled my eyes. “We just need someone who’ll fit in with us and has talent.”

“Well that shouldn’t be too hard,” Harry said as he stood up. “We should go and find him.”

“Yes but where do we start?” Louis asked. Harry made a face before sitting down again, obviously disheartened by his lack of thinking through.

“That, my friend,” I said as I raised my hand to my chin, “is one of the only good questions that you have ever asked.”

“Coming from the boy who wondered if potatoes grew on trees,” Liam said as Louis and Harry snickered.

“I was in the second grade!” I whined. I huffed silently cursing my brother for showing the boys my paper about why potatoes grow on trees. Surprisingly, I got a good grade because my teacher said humorous literature took a special person to write.

But I was being serious.

A/N: Ahhhh yes, another update :)

I hope you guys enjoy this because this is literally just filling up space while I work on getting ahead on some stuff. If anything, I might delete it sooner or later, who knows hahaha c:

-Ariel x

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